Technical Guidelines Development Committee (TGDC)
Human Factors and Privacy Subcommittee (HFP)*
May 18, 2007
Draft Minutes


1. Administrative Updates (Allan Eustis)
2. Discussion of small edits of Usability and Accessibility VVSG chapter, such as the rewrite for legibility and magnification
3. Discussion of what will be presented at the plenary meeting, including latest thoughts on the performance metrics.
4. Other issues

Attendees: Alexis Scott-Morrison, Alice Miller, Allan Eustis, David Baquis (U.S. Access Board), David Flater, John Wack, Sharon Laskowski, Tricia Mason, Whitney Quesenbery

Administrative Updates:

  • Plenary meeting presentations are being worked on and will be available by COB today. They will be publicly available on Monday morning 5/23.
  • Reminder: There will be a reception on Sunday afternoon at 6:00 p.m. (Whitney encourages anyone available to attend as this could serve as a pre-briefing to the plenary meeting.) Copies of the current VVSG will be made available by Allan on Sunday night.
  • John Wack went over the agenda for the plenary meeting. Highlights include a brief introductory by Commissioner Davidson, with Brian Hancock discussing some Best Practices. John will be talking about the editing of the VVSG and the next steps in finishing the report. Subcommittee presentations will start with CRT, then HFP, finished by STS. Day 2 will consist of planning next steps in the process.
  • Future subcommittee telecons have been submitted to the federal register - plans are to continue on same days as has been the case.
  • Dr. Jeffrey testified at an EAC hearing on May 17, his testimony is available at When asked about July deliverable, Dr. Jeffrey was confident of meeting the deadline.
  • Two slots on the TGDC are vacant.

HFP Plenary Presentation (Sharon Laskowski):

Sharon emailed everyone the draft presentation before the meeting. This subcommittee meeting was devoted to review of that presentation:

  • Still working on the benchmark slides, they are not included in the draft set.
  • The purpose of this presentation is to go over what has changed since the last plenary; to summarize significant changes since the VVSG 2005; and to give a progress report on the usability benchmarks.
  • One major issue to be noted for meeting: HFP has reworded the accessible voter verification requirement as agreed upon at the last plenary. Exact wording was submitted as a resolution, but there shouldn't be any problem with the modifications made. Changes have been run by STS.
  • Sharon then proceeded to go through each slide and request comments to the presentation. The following are notable points:
    • Slide 5 (Added Cast Ballot Notifications) - Sharon will change wording on slide to reflect CRT's changes in requirement.
    • Slide 8 (Moved VVPAT Requirements to VVPAT Section) - Our requirement was removed and added to the VVPAT section. It has been simplified to be less specific. Committee discussed whether to word it as screen comparison of record vs. verification. It was decided to be a comparison.
    • Slide 10 (Proposed New Wording for Low Vision on Paper Records) - This is new wording that has not yet been reflected in the current draft of the VVSG.
    • Slide 11 (Accidental Ballot Activation) - This is a shall requirement that calls to minimize accidental ballot activation errors, making this requirement hard to test. This does not apply to errors caused by voters intentionally casting ballots then changing their minds.
    • Slide 12 (Rewrite of Accessibility Subsection) - Change requested to slide to reflect that we are talking about systems designed for the general population.
    • Slide 14 (Rewording of Accessibility for Voter Verification) - This requirement was changed from previous TGDC approval to be more general. It has been circulated to STS. This is being called out special so that the committee realizes this is a change to the wording approved at last plenary. There is no need for an amended resolution as long as HFP chapter is approved in whole.
    • Benchmarking vu-graphs - not yet prepared. Sharon will include vu-graphs that cover results of the testing that was complete on May 17. Validity of errors and repeatability/reliability has been received. She will include testing suggestions on how to use benchmarks. After June 1, it will be possible to set benchmarks for a variety of systems. Timing results will be discussed - even if this is not a usability metric it may be taken into account when purchasing systems. Sharon will discuss the satisfaction response, there was no repeatability except in respect to confidence, this is a usability benchmark we would like. Sharon will also provide a timeline for completing the benchmarks section of the HFP chapter.

Meeting adjourned at 11:50 a.m.

[* Pursuant to the Help America Vote Act of 2002, the TGDC is charged with directing NIST in performing voting systems research so that the TGDC can fulfill its role of recommending technical standards for voting equipment to the EAC. This teleconference discussion serves the purposes of the HFP subcommittee of the TGDC to direct NIST staff and coordinate its voting-related research relevant to the VVSG 2007. Discussions on this telecon are preliminary and do not necessarily reflect the views of NIST or the TGDC.]



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