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Funding opportunities archive

In early 2017, NIST issued a notice of funding opportunity seeking an assessment to evaluate how well five TIG 2016 state and local pilots have used digital identity technologies to improve and streamline the delivery of state and local government services. NIST has awarded Research Triangle Institute(link is external) (RTI)—an independent, nonprofit research institute—to conduct the evaluation and help shed light on how successfully public sector programs can adopt similar solutions. RTI will interact with each pilot team, including the Florida Department of Revenue, Yubico, Ohio Department of Administrative Services, Gemalto, and, to establish baseline metrics and collect ongoing data during implementation, with different timelines for each pilot. NIST anticipates that RTI will release one report for each project (five in total) and a final report summarizing the lessons learned from the five pilots, which will be issued at the end of the project. Throughout the grant, RTI will be finding ways to disseminate these findings broadly to reach communities that can benefit from the great work of RTI and the projects’ partners.


2017 opportunity to assess the benefits and impacts of five state pilots

>> Opportunity on | PDF

Summary: In this funding opportunity, NIST seeks applicants to assess five state Trusted Identities Group pilots awarded in 2016. The assessment will include the impacts and benefits of the solutions implemented by: the Florida Department of Revenue, Yubico, Ohio Department of Administrative Services, Gemalto, and The recipient will quantify the benefits of these solutions to the organization and end users, share lessons learned, and recommend how similar solutions can be adopted elsewhere, in public sector programs and services at all levels of government. NIST seeks to enable adoption of online credentials more broadly for government services through greater dissemination of the impacts and benefits of these solutions to policymakers, state agencies, and the public. The findings, discoveries, and lessons learned from this funding opportunity will help pave the way for NIST to better inform and improve upon broader cybersecurity efforts in the future.

Status: NIST is no longer accepting applications for this opportunity. Applications were due on Tuesday, May 9, 2017, by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time. NIST expects to complete its review, selection of successful applicants, and award processing by July 2017. NIST expects the earliest anticipated start date for awards under this notice of funding opportunity to be September 1, 2017.

More information:

  • Informational webinar >> slides
  • Funding opportunity announcement >> blog(link is external)


2016 federated identity in healthcare pilot opportunity

>> Opportunity on | PDF

FY 2016 Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program Federal Funding Opportunity

>> PDF

2016 state and local government pilot opportunity

>> Opportunity on | PDF

Created April 11, 2016, Updated November 1, 2022