Kathryn L. Beers |
Material Measurement Laboratory - HQ |
kathryn.beers [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Andrew Beggs |
Office of Facilities and Property Management - HQ |
Fed |
Carolyn Beins |
Financial Assistance Agreements Management Office – HQ |
carolyn.beins [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Benjamin Beiter |
Sensing and Perception Systems Group |
benjamin.beiter [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Anis Bekri |
anis.bekri [at] nist.gov |
IntlAssoc |
Marley Belanger |
Semiconductor Metrology & Characterization Office – HQ |
marley.belanger [at] chips.gov |
Fed |
Abigale Belcrest |
National Semiconductor Technology Center Group |
abigale.belcrest [at] chips.gov |
Fed |
Diane Belford-Gemar |
Technical and Extramural Programs Group |
diane.belford [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Derrick Bell |
Facilities Improvement (Gaithersburg) Group |
Ctr |
Robert Bell |
Operations Engineering Group |
Ctr |
Ronald Bell |
Operations and Maintenance (Gaithersburg) Group |
Ctr |
Glenn R. Bell |
Disaster Impact Reduction Office |
glenn.bell [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Connie Bell |
Logistics Group |
Ctr |
Ian Bell |
Thermophysical Properties of Fluids Group |
ian.bell [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Jeffrey Bell |
Site Services Group |
Assoc |
Brandon Bell |
Customer Relationship Management Group |
brandon.bell [at] nist.gov |
Ctr |
Kyle Beloy |
Neutral Atom Optical Clocks Group |
kyle.beloy [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Time and frequency metrology, Atomic / molecular / quantum, Spectroscopy |
Alec Belsky |
Business Application Development, Support, and Security Group |
alec.belsky [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Manuel Castellanos Beltran |
Superconductive Electronics Group |
manuel.castellanosbeltran [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
John Beltz |
Network Operations Group |
john.beltz [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Aziza Ben Mosbah |
Wireless Systems Innovation and Performance Group |
aziza.benmosbah [at] nist.gov |
Assoc |
Daniel Benavides |
Facilities Improvement (Gaithersburg) Group |
Ctr |
Isaiah Benavides |
Facilities Services Division - HQ |
Ctr |
Eric C. Benck |
Mass and Force Group |
eric.benck [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Elizabeth Benham |
Office of Weights and Measures |
elizabeth.benham [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Manufacturing quality assurance, Mass metrology, Metric, Weights and measures, Accreditation |
Alexa Benitez Oviedo |
Site Services Group |
Ctr |
Samia Benjida |
Information Systems Group |
samia.benjida [at] nist.gov |
IntlAssoc |
Kurt D Benkstein |
Bioprocess Measurements Group |
kurt.benkstein [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Jennifer Benkstein |
Research Protections Office - HQ |
jennifer.benkstein [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Lotfi Benmohamed |
Transformational Networks and Services Group |
lotfi.benmohamed [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Bruce A Benner Jr. |
Organic Chemical Metrology Group |
bruce.benner [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Herbert S. Bennett |
Nanoscale Device Characterization Division - HQ |
herbert.bennett [at] nist.gov |
Assoc |
Philip Bennett |
Research Security and Safeguarding Science - HQ |
philip.bennett [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Michelle Bennett |
Agreements Group |
michelle.bennett [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Douglas Alan Bennett |
Quantum Electronics Group |
douglas.bennett [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
William Bennett |
Facilities Modernization (Gaithersburg) Group |
Ctr |
Bria Bennett |
Applied Cybersecurity - HQ |
bria.bennett [at] nist.gov |
Assoc |
Tyrone Benning |
Capital Asset Management and Facilities Planning Group |
Ctr |
Katherine Benning |
Environmental Management Group |
Ctr |
Michael Benshoff |
Facilities Improvement (Gaithersburg) Group |
Ctr |
Roger Benshoff |
Facilities Improvement (Gaithersburg) Group |
Ctr |
Albert Benyarku |
Facilities Improvement (Gaithersburg) Group |
albert.benyarku [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Samuel P. Benz |
Superconductive Electronics Group |
samuel.benz [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Lee Benzel |
Facilities Improvement (Gaithersburg) Group |
Ctr |
Jake Benzing |
Fatigue and Fracture Group |
jake.benzing [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Additive manufacturing, Materials characterization, Mechanical properties, Documentary standards, Technology transfer |
Samuel Beraki |
National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence |
Ctr |
Ilse Bercik |
Publication and Web Services Group |
ilse.bercik [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Robert F. Berg |
Optical Radiation Group |
robert.berg [at] nist.gov |
Assoc |
Christopher P. Berg |
Reactor Operations and Engineering Group |
christopher.berg [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Alfred Berge |
Facilities Improvement (Gaithersburg) Group |
Ctr |