Karim Abdelwahab |
Infrastructure Materials Group |
karim.abdelwahab [at] nist.gov |
IntlAssoc |
Frank Abel |
Functional Nanostructured Materials Group |
frank.abel [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Zaid Abu-Touk |
Facilities Improvement (Gaithersburg) Group |
Ctr |
James M. Adams |
NIST Center for Neutron Research - HQ |
james.adams [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Jennifer Adona |
Office of Emerging Technologies |
Assoc |
Leticia Adu |
Financial Assistance Agreements Management Office – HQ |
leticia.adu [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Sharmina Afroz |
Customer Relationship Management Group |
sharmina.afroz [at] nist.gov |
Ctr |
Daehyun Ahn |
Quantum Optics Group |
daehyun.ahn [at] nist.gov |
IntlAssoc |
Jumana Aljafari |
Heat Transfer and Alternative Energy Systems Group |
jumana.aljafari [at] nist.gov |
IntlAssoc |
Environment, Air / water / soil quality, Environmental health, Sustainability |
Corinne Allen |
Office of Emerging Technologies |
corinne.allen [at] nist.gov |
Assoc |
Thomas C. Allison |
Chemical Informatics Group |
thomas.allison [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Jessica Alston |
Financial Assistance Agreements Management Office – HQ |
jessica.alston [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Fernando Alvarez |
Operations Engineering Group |
Ctr |
Jose Alvarez |
Operations Engineering Group |
Ctr |
Luis Amado Rojas |
Facilities Improvement (Gaithersburg) Group |
IntlCtr |
Angela Y. Apintiloaiei |
CBS Core Support Group |
angela.apintiloaiei [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Jose Zenon Argueta Argueta |
Operations Engineering Group |
IntlCtr |
Essa Asiri |
Functional Nanostructured Materials Group |
essa.asiri [at] nist.gov |
IntlAssoc |
Marcelito Autentico |
Gaithersburg Design and Construction - HQ |
Ctr |
Sean Mar Autentico |
Gaithersburg Design and Construction - HQ |
Ctr |
Taylor Morgan |
Disaster Impact Reduction Office |
taylor.avery [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
George Awad |
george.awad [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
AI measurement and evaluation, Information retrieval, Video analytics |
Courtney Badura |
Facilities Services Division - HQ |
Assoc |
Gerette Jacobson |
The Material Measurement Laboratory Office of Operations Group |
gerette.balon [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Cesar Barenos Arriaza |
Facilities Improvement (Gaithersburg) Group |
Ctr |
Leslie Barkley |
Logistics Group |
Assoc |
William Barnett Lavergne |
Safety and Health Group |
william.barnettlavergne [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
David Baron |
Network Knowledge Management Group |
Ctr |
Edwin Barralaga Guardado |
Facilities Improvement (Gaithersburg) Group |
Ctr |
Pookela Bates-Taylor |
Emergency Services - HQ |
pookela.bates-taylor [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Edward Bauman |
Safety and Health Group |
edward.bauman [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Kathryn L. Beers |
Material Measurement Laboratory - HQ |
kathryn.beers [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Carolyn Beins |
Financial Assistance Agreements Management Office – HQ |
carolyn.beins [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Derrick Bell |
Facilities Improvement (Gaithersburg) Group |
Ctr |
Brandon Bell |
Customer Relationship Management Group |
brandon.bell [at] nist.gov |
Ctr |
Michael Benshoff |
Facilities Improvement (Gaithersburg) Group |
Ctr |
Lee Benzel |
Facilities Improvement (Gaithersburg) Group |
Ctr |
Samuel Beraki |
National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence |
Ctr |
Amanda Bergman |
Director's Office - HQ |
amanda.bergman [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Joaquin Berrocal Sanchez |
Ion Storage Group |
joaquin.berrocalsanchez [at] nist.gov |
IntlAssoc |
Kendra Berry |
Office of Information Systems Management - HQ |
kendra.berry [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Nageshwar Bhonagiri |
Platform Services Division - HQ |
nageshwar.bhonagiri [at] nist.gov |
Ctr |
Joseph Blackstone |
Operations Engineering Group |
Ctr |
Steve Blandino |
Wireless Networks Division - HQ |
steve.blandino [at] nist.gov |
IntlAssoc |
Michael Blaurock |
Customer Relationship Management Group |
michael.blaurock [at] nist.gov |
Ctr |
Niksa Blonder |
Chemical Informatics Group |
niksa.blonder [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
John Booton |
National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence |
john.booton [at] nist.gov |
Ctr |
Marlon Borge Sequeira |
Facilities Improvement (Gaithersburg) Group |
Ctr |
Youssef Bouij |
Systems Interoperability Group |
youssef.bouij [at] nist.gov |
IntlAssoc |
Martin Boyd |
Fiber Sources and Applications Group |
Assoc |