Daniel M. Adler |
Research Facility Operations Group |
daniel.adler [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Matthew Adolf |
Facilities Improvement (Boulder) Group |
Ctr |
Jennifer Adona |
Office of Emerging Technologies |
Assoc |
Marissa Adriaenssens |
Engineering Laboratory - HQ |
marissa.adriaenssens [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Leticia Adu |
Financial Assistance Agreements Management Office – HQ |
leticia.adu [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Shirley Afable |
Financial Assistance Agreements Management Office – HQ |
shirley.afable [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Sadaf Afkhami |
Acquisition Operations |
sadaf.afkhami [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Lucie Afko |
Guided Wave Electromagnetics Group |
lucie.afko [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Sharmina Afroz |
Customer Relationship Management Group |
sharmina.afroz [at] nist.gov |
Ctr |
Raaghav Agarwal |
Thermodynamics Research Center Group |
raaghav.agarwal [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Anthony Agnew |
Emergency Services - HQ |
anthony.agnew [at] nist.gov |
Ctr |
Priyanka Agrawal |
Applications Systems - HQ |
priyanka.agrawal [at] nist.gov |
Ctr |
Anthony Aguilar |
Building Management (Gaithersburg) Group |
Ctr |
Alfredo Aguilar |
Site Support Group |
alfredo.aguilar [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
David Aguilera |
Facilities Improvement (Gaithersburg) Group |
Ctr |
Matthew Aguirre |
Facilities Improvement (Gaithersburg) Group |
Ctr |
Elba Aguirre |
Information Technology Laboratory Office - HQ |
elba.aguirre [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Ozair Ahmad |
Investments Division – HQ |
ozair.ahmad [at] chips.gov |
Fed |
Tanisa Ahmed |
Investments Division – HQ |
tanisa.ahmed [at] chips.gov |
Fed |
Ayesha Ahmed |
NIST Center for Neutron Research - HQ |
ayesha.ahmed [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Zeeshan Ahmed |
Fundamental Thermodynamics Group |
zeeshan.ahmed [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Modeling and simulation research, Biological physics, Condensed matter, Spectroscopy, Thermodynamics |
Fuad Ahmed |
Boulder Microfabrication Facility |
Ctr |
Tanvir Ahmed |
Thermodynamics Research Center Group |
tanvir.ahmed [at] nist.gov |
IntlAssoc |
Sanel Ahmetasevic |
Facilities Improvement (Boulder) Group |
Ctr |
Deborah Ahn |
Node B Group |
deborah.ahn [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Daehyun Ahn |
Quantum Optics Group |
daehyun.ahn [at] nist.gov |
IntlAssoc |
Ami Ahure Powell |
Mechanical Performance Group |
louise.ahurepowell [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Infrastructure, Manufacturing, Materials |
Ashlee Aiello |
Infrastructure Materials Group |
ashlee.aiello [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Brandon Airth |
Facilities Improvement (Gaithersburg) Group |
Ctr |
Lydia Ait Oucheggou |
Transformational Networks and Services Group |
lydia.aitoucheggou [at] nist.gov |
IntlAssoc |
Padraic Aither |
Sources and Detectors Group |
padraic.aither [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Robert Aitken |
National Advanced Packaging Manufacturing Program Group |
robert.aitken [at] chips.gov |
Fed |
Jason Ajmo |
National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence |
jason.ajmo [at] nist.gov |
Ctr |
Kameswera Akella Venkata Ananda |
Applications Systems - HQ |
kameswera.akellavenkataananda [at] nist.gov |
Ctr |
Abir Akib |
Security Components and Mechanisms Group |
IntlAssoc |
Mehwish Akram |
National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence |
mehwish.akram [at] nist.gov |
Ctr |
David Akre |
Facilities Improvement (Boulder) Group |
Ctr |
Matthew Akre |
Facilities Improvement (Boulder) Group |
Ctr |
Murat Aksu |
Manipulation and Mobility Systems Group |
murat.aksu [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Vladimir Aksyuk |
Photonics and Optomechanics Group |
vladimir.aksyuk [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Nanomechanics, Nanophotonics, Nanophysics, Nanoplasmonics, Optical physics and communications |
Akin Akturk |
Advanced Electronics Group |
akin.akturk [at] nist.gov |
Assoc |
Sulaiman Al Ghadani |
Nanostructure Fabrication and Measurement Group |
sulaiman.alghadani [at] nist.gov |
IntlAssoc |
Richard Al Hadi |
Advanced Electronics Group |
Assoc |
Karim Al-Barghouti |
Thermophysical Properties of Fluids Group |
karim.al-barghouti [at] nist.gov |
Fed |
Gorjan Alagic |
Cryptographic Technology Group |
gorjan.alagic [at] nist.gov |
Assoc |
Maximo Alarcon Pantin |
Facilities Improvement (Gaithersburg) Group |
Ctr |
Jana Alasady |
Biomaterials Group |
jana.alasady [at] nist.gov |
Assoc |
Lola Albarracin |
Facilities Services Division - HQ |
Assoc |
Fadhil Albasha |
Photonics and Optomechanics Group |
Assoc |
Brian G. Alberding |
Remote Sensing Group |
brian.alberding [at] nist.gov |
Fed |