Each spectrograph in the Atomic Spectroscopy Group is among the most powerful of its type in the world. Collectively, the set of instruments available to our scientists and guest researchers is unparalleled in the world. Our spectrographs allow us to record spectra over a large range: from the extreme ultraviolet (1 nm) to the near infrared (1200 nm). We've collected spectra on hundreds of atomic systems over the years for data compilation and astronomical applications, as well as for more applied research in the lighting and microlithography fields.
Our instruments include:
10.7 m Normal Incidence Vacuum Spectragraph
Spectral Range: 30 nm to 500 nm
Plate Factor: 0.078 nm/mm (1st order)
Detection: Photographic or Scanning Photoelectric
10.7 m Eagle Spectrograph
Spectral Range: 200 nm to 1000 nm
Plate Factor: 0.078 nm/mm (1st order)
Detection: Photographic
10.7 m Grazing Incidence Vacuum Spectrograph
Spectral Range: 3 nm to 70 nm
Plate Factor: 0.012 nm/mm @ 7 nm (1st order)
Detection: Photographic
3.3 m High-resolution Plane-grating Spectrograph
Spectral Range: 190 to 1200 nm
Plate Factor: 0.013 to 0.11 nm/mm (order dependent)
Detection: Photographic
2.2 m Grazing Incidence Vacuum Spectrograph
Spectral Range: 1 nm to 60 nm
Plate Factor: 0.016 nm/mm @ 1 nm (1st order)
Detection: Photographic
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