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Fellowships for Research at the NIST EBIT

  • NRC Postdoctoral Associateships(link is external) are available for US citizens. Application deadlines are in February and August for appointments to begin up to one year later. Potential applicants who wish to work on the EBIT project should contact Yuri Ralchenko or Joseph Tan several months before the application deadline for more information.
  • Citizens from other countries can sometimes be supported through other opportunities such as the Feodor-Lynen Fellowship from the Humboldt Foundation (for German citizens).  
  • Undergraduates interested in summer research at NIST should check out the SURF program.
  • Undergraduates interested in applying to graduate school at the University of Maryland should be aware of a special University of Maryland fellowship(link is external) which will allow them to carry out their graduate research at NIST while earning their degree at the University.
  • High School students may apply for summer internships via the NIST SHIP program.
Created March 1, 2010, Updated December 1, 2022