1. The first facility was built at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. The Livermore EBIT facility is presently dedicated to atomic spectroscopy. One of the two EBITs previously constructed at Livermore was moved to Berkeley in 2001.
2. The Berkeley EBIT is now used primarily for research with extracted ion beams and has its own web site.
3. The NIST EBIT is equipped both for atomic spectroscopy and for studies with extracted ion beams.
4. The Oxford EBIT facility. (relocated to Shanghai in 2010).
5. The Berlin EBIT facility.
6. The Tokyo EBIT.
7. The Dresden EBIT.
8. The Freiburg EBIT has now become the Heidelberg EBIT.
9. The EBIT at the Institute for Applied Physics, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main.
10. The Stockholm EBIT (came online in April of 2005 at the AlbaNova Physics Center, run in connection with the University of Stockholm).
11. The Belfast EBIT in Northern Ireland at the Queen's University of Belfast at the International Research Center for Experimental Physics.
12. The Shanghai EBIT
13. The Canadian EBIT at TRIUMF.
14. An EBIT is under construction for installation at use in Germany at the BESSY VUV free electron laser.
15. An EBIT is being planned for the MATS project in Germany.
16. The Harvard-Smithsonian EBIT.
17. The EBIT at the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory (NSCL EBIT) at Michigan State University
18. The EBIT at the Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (FZD)
19. The Clemson EBIT
20. The EBIT at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
The EBIS (Electron Beam Ion Source) is a very similar device that is used exclusively for the production of highly charged ion beams. EBIS facilities can be found at several locations around the world, including:
the Stockholm EBIS,
the Kansas EBIS,
the Aarhus EBIS at ASTRID,
the Brookhaven EBIS,
the Cornell EBIS,
... and many places in Japan (for example, Tokyo Metropolitan University).