Dr. Bala Muralikrishnan is recognized for his seminal research in precision dimensional metrology, which is accelerating the adoption of next-generation coordinate scanning technologies for applications in advanced manufacturing, forensics science, and other areas where rapid, millimeter-to-micrometer accuracy is critical. He developed sophisticated manufacturer-independent mathematical models to help quantify and mitigate sources of error in coordinate measuring systems, and then transferred that knowledge through his leadership in the standards and metrology communities. His models provide the basis for objective consensus national and international documentary standards, test artifacts, and test methods, which, in turn, provide a foundation of trust for such crucial operations as the monitoring of structural changes in buildings, bridges, and other critical infrastructure due to settling, aging, deterioration, or earthquake damage. The scanning technologies he standardized are used to assemble and inspect large, manufactured structures such as aircraft, ships, and construction equipment; document archeological digs and sites; and capture the details of accidents and crime scenes, including the 2021 Florida Champlain Tower collapse site.