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Phillips Selected as Fellow of AOAC International

MML Research Chemist Melissa Phillips has been selected to be a Fellow of AOAC International. Phillips was selected for this honor in recognition of her dedication, commitment, and meritorious service to the analytical community through the AOAC. She has served on numerous stakeholder panels, working groups, and Expert Review Panels (ERPs). Most recently she served as co‑chair of the Stakeholder Panel on Infant Formula and Adult Nutritionals (SPIFAN) Proficiency Testing Task Force. Last year, the SPIFAN ERP received the AOAC Expert Review Panel of the Year Award. Phillips is a member of the AOAC Technical Division on Reference Materials (TDRM) and currently serves as the TDRM newsletter editor. She is currently a member of the Editorial Board for the Journal of AOAC International, and served as a Special Guest Editor for a special issue featuring reference materials. Phillips also serves as a member of the AOAC Official Methods Board and is a member of the Technical Programming Council.

Click for more information about Melissa Phillips

Created January 10, 2017, Updated July 20, 2018