@article{1240136, author = {Nathan Nakamura and Paul Szypryt and Amber Dagel and Bradley Alpert and Douglas Bennett and W.Bertrand (Randy) Doriese and Malcolm Durkin and Joseph Fowler and Dylan Fox and Johnathon Gard and Ryan Goodner and James Zachariah Harris and Gene C. Hilton and Edward Jimenez and Burke Kernen and Kurt Larson and Zachary H. Levine and Daniel McArthur and Kelsey Morgan and Galen O'Neil and Christine Pappas and Carl D. Reintsema and Dan Schmidt and Peter Schulz and Daniel Swetz and Kyle Thompson and Joel Ullom and Leila R. Vale and Courtenay Vaughan and Christopher Walker and Joel Weber and Jason Wheeler}, title = {Nanoscale Three-Dimensional Imaging of Integrated Circuits Using a Scanning Electron Microscope and Transition-Edge Sensor Spectrometer}, year = {2024}, month = {2024-04-30 04:04:00}, publisher = {Sensors}, url = {https://tsapps.nist.gov/publication/get_pdf.cfm?pub_id=935534}, language = {en}, }