@conference{1256451, author = {Joseph P. Rice and Brian Alberding and Susana Deustua and Thinh Bui and Eric Shirley and Keshet Shavit and Eliad Peretz and Daniel Kuesters and Greg Aldering and Dmitry Vorobiev and Jonathan Papa and Justin Albert and Ralph Bohlin and Benjamin Rose and Piotr Pachowicz and Peter Plavchan and Angella Tanner and John Mather and Jean Thomas Landry and Etienne Gauvin and Thomas Michaud=Bayens and Greg Kopp}, title = {Calibration for Astrophysics using an Artificial star with NIST-traceable Distribution of Luminous Energy (CANDLE) Instrument Development}, year = {2024}, number = {13092}, month = {2024-08-23 04:08:00}, publisher = {SPIE, Yokohama, JP}, url = {https://tsapps.nist.gov/publication/get_pdf.cfm?pub_id=958127}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1117/12.3020319}, language = {en}, }