author = {T. Liu and J. Hu and B. Qian and D. Fobes and Zhiqiang Mao and Wei Bao and M. Reehuis and S. Kimber and K. Prokes and S. Matas and D. Argyriou and A. Hiess and A. Rotaru and H. Pham and L. Spinu and Yiming Qiu and V. Thampy and A. Savici and Jose Rodriguez Rivera and Collin Broholm},
title = {From (π, O) Magnetic Order to Superconductivity with (π,π)Magnetic Resonance in Fe1.02Te1-xSex},
year = {2010},
number = {9},
month = {2010-09-01 00:09:00},
publisher = {Nature Materials},
url = {https://tsapps.nist.gov/publication/get_pdf.cfm?pub_id=906007},
language = {en},