TY - JOUR AU - Artusio-Glimpse, Aly AU - Long, David AU - Bresler, Sean AU - Prajapati, Nik AU - Shylla, Dangka AU - Rotunno, Andrew AU - Simons, Matt AU - Berweger, Samuel AU - Schlossberger, Noah AU - LeBrun, Thomas W. AU - Holloway, Christopher L. C2 - (potentially a different journal, still TBD) DA - 2024-02-27 05:02:00 LA - en PB - (potentially a different journal, still TBD) PY - 2024 TI - Increased instantaneous bandwidth of Rydberg atom electrometry with an optical frequency comb probe UR - https://tsapps.nist.gov/publication/get_pdf.cfm?pub_id=957473 ER -