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The Official Baldrige Blog

Happy Independence Day from the Baldrige Program

Happy Independence Day showing an image of the U.S. flag with fireworks and the Baldrige Performance Excellence Program logo in the background.
Credit: sbw18/Shutterstock

The Baldrige Program would like to wish you and your families and friends a safe and happy Independence Day!

As I contemplate the upcoming holiday, I see many parallels between it and the Baldrige Program.

Just as July 4th is a uniquely American holiday, Baldrige is a unique public-private partnership to improve America’s organizations.

Just as Americans celebrate the escape from the bonds of tyranny, our Declaration of Independence, freedom of self-governance, and the creation of a new nation, Baldrige helps organizations escape from the bonds of poor performance, declare and celebrate continuous improvement, enjoy the freedom of self-assessment, and create a better organization on their own terms.

The Declaration of Independence was the product of a group of visionary leaders who dared to imagine a different future. Over the last 30 years, Baldrige has helped organizations visualize and operationalize their own desired future.

So, as you enjoy the cookouts, conversations, and fireworks, I invite you to do what I will do, pause for a few moments to be thankful for this unique public-private partnership and the extended Baldrige community that has benefitted so many individuals and organizations across the nation and around the globe.

About the author

Robert Fangmeyer

I am Bob, Director of the Baldrige Performance Excellence Program. I have been with Baldrige since 1997 serving on many of the teams in the office in many different roles. Since becoming the Deputy Director in 2011, I have led the effort to design, develop, and implement a new business model that relies even more heavily on partnerships and collaboration as well as cost control and revenue generation. As Director, I manage overall operations, focusing on enhancing our products and services, ensuring efficient and effective operations, as well as planning for strategic capability and capacity needs. In addition, I spend significant time and energy helping to lead and guide the development and implementation of the Baldrige Enterprise.  I am thrilled to be a part of the Baldrige Program where I get to work with and learn from people and organizations committed to achieving excellence.

My background includes owning and managing small service-based businesses, six years as a human resources specialist, a Bachelors degree in Psychology, and an MBA from the University of Maryland. When not working, I enjoy exercising and spending time with my wonderful wife, three kids, and Buddy, my boxer dog.

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