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NIST’s International Cybersecurity and Privacy Engagement Update – Mexico City, RSA Conference, and More

By: Amy Mahn

The last few months have brought even more opportunities for NIST to engage with our international partners to enhance cybersecurity.  Here are some updates on our recent international engagement: 

  • Conversations have continued with our partners throughout the world on the recent release of the Cybersecurity Framework Version 2.0
  • NIST international engagement continues through our support to the Department of State and the International Trade Administration (ITA) during numerous international dialogues.  Most recently, NIST participated in interagency dialogues to share information on NIST resources with France, Sweden, and Spain.  
  • NIST representatives have been traveling the world  to share information on several key projects along with virtual global discussions. 
    • In April 2024, NIST traveled to Mexico City for a workshop on the Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) 2.0.  NIST partnered with the International Trade Administration (ITA) and the Department of State on this event, which included information on the content of CSF 2.0, approaches to implementation, developing community profiles, and international engagement, including translations of the CSF and related CSF resources.  The workshop was an opportunity to present and discuss government and industry efforts and perspectives on cybersecurity practices and implementation of CSF 2.0. 
    • NIST engaged with several international partners during the RSA Conference in San Francisco, California in May 2024.  NIST participated in discussions and events with representatives from Latin America, Europe, and Southeast Asia. 
    • NIST virtually presented at various events in Canada, Honduras, and the Indo-Pacific region.
  • NIST continues to meet with international partners who visit the U.S., including participation in several international visits this past fall and early this year at the NIST campus and the National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE). 
  • NIST has hosted groups with representation from several countries through the International Visitor Leadership Program at the Department of State. Topics of discussion in these meetings included the Cybersecurity Framework 2.0 update, collaboration with industry at the NCCoE, Internet of Things (IoT) cybersecurity guidance, 5G cybersecurity guidance, artificial intelligence (AI), post quantum cryptography, digital identity, and other priority areas.  
  • Recent engagement at NIST and the NCCoE includes meetings with representatives from government and industry from Bhutan, Brazil, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Georgia, India, Libya, the Netherlands, the Philippines, Switzerland, and Taiwan. 
  • NIST also continues to add to the growing list of translations of resources on the International Cybersecurity and Privacy Resources page. Most recently, NIST shared translations of the Cybersecurity Framework 2.0 in Portuguese and Spanish, and updated components of the NICE Workforce Framework for Cybersecurity in French, Portuguese, Slovakian, Spanish, and Ukrainian. We look forward to adding more to our site in the coming weeks.  intl-cyber-privacy [at] (Please reach out to us) and if you are aware of additional translations and resources to share!
  • Lastly, NIST has continued to engage with the global community on cybersecurity education and workforce through their NICE program. An environmental scan of skill frameworks was recently published to help to promote the development of international standards and frameworks relating to foundational cybersecurity skills. NIST also coordinated a significant international presence at the 15th annual NICE Conference held June 3-5, 2024 in Dallas, Texas. In partnership with the US Department of State and Florida International University, the conference featured a half-day workshop on highlighting international perspectives. 

We are excited to share these updates with you and will continue to keep you informed in the future. For questions — or to discuss opportunities for international engagement, reach out to us at intl-cyber-privacy [at] (intl-cyber-privacy[at]nist[dot]gov)

About the author

Amy Mahn

Amy Mahn is an international policy specialist in the NIST Applied Cybersecurity Division.  Amy’s primary focus in this role is support of the international aspects and alignment of the Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity. Amy previously worked eleven years at the Department of Homeland Security in various roles, including international policy coordination in cybersecurity and critical infrastructure protection within the National Protection and Programs Directorate and the Office of Cyber, Infrastructure and Resilience Policy.

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