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America’s got (Manufacturing) Talent

By: Jim Jones

Originally posted on EPA Connect

Did you know that we help small-to-medium sized local businesses to be more sustainable? EPA works with five other federal agencies through a special partnership called E3: Economy, Energy and the Environment to connect these companies and their communities to technical experts.

Did you know that the Small Business Administration (SBA) has a network of Women’s Business Centers throughout the United States to help women start and grow small businesses?

Did you know that the Census Bureau has extensive county-level economic and demographic data and is making that data available to communities to help them assess their regional business environments?

You’ll find these resources in a new playbook recently created by a federal team of experts under the President’s Investing in Manufacturing Communities Partnership (IMCP).  The IMCP Playbook pulls together existing federal planning grant and technical assistance resources and best practices in economic development.

The President’s IMCP is accelerating the resurgence of manufacturing and creating a competitive climate for communities to attract manufacturing jobs and investment. It rewards communities that do this by using best practices and smarter planning that integrates targeted investments in workforce training, infrastructure, research, and other key assets.

Will the playbook work? To answer that question, we first asked a panel of seasoned community leaders what they thought. Their response was very positive, with each offering additional ideas for improvement. But the real proof in this pudding will be known only after our first full season of implementation.

Is your community ready to start developing a strategy to attract or expand manufacturing?   Follow the playbook’s three-step approach to help you attract and strengthen manufacturing business and workforce opportunities.

Like any good playbook, we will look to make adjustments as we move forward.  Tell us what you think about the IMCP Playbook.  Send your thoughts and comments to murray.tom-hq [at] (murray[dot]tom-hq[at]epa[dot]gov).

Editor's Note: The views expressed here are intended to explain EPA policy. They do not change anyone's rights or obligations.

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