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Craft Beer is Everywhere, Man

A Manufacturing Tour of America's Craft Breweries
“...Pittsburgh, Parkersburg, Gravelbourg, Colorado, Ellensburg, Rexburg, Vicksburg, Eldorado, Larimore, Atmore, Haverstraw, Chatanika, Chaska, Nebraska, Alaska, Opelika, Baraboo, Waterloo, Kalamazoo, Kansas City, Sioux City, Cedar City and Dodge City.”   — as sung by Hank Snow, “I’ve Been Everywhere,” September 1962.

From the Island of Kaua’i, Hawaii (Kauai Island Brewing Co.), just up the road from NIST’s Time & Frequency Transmitting Station, to Bar Harbor, Maine (Bar Harbor Brewing Company); and from Fairbanks, Alaska (Silver Gulch Brewing and Bottling Company), to Ponce, Puerto Rico (Señorial Brewing Company), craft breweries can be found in all regions of the United States. The industry has been growing for a long time, as witnessed by this quote from Sherwood Boehlert, former member, U.S. House of Representatives, “For the second straight year, craft beer is the fastest growing segment of the U.S. alcoholic beverage industry. In 2005, craft beer experienced a 9 percent increase in volume, nearly triple that of the growth experienced in the wine and spirits industry.”

A Manufacturing Tour of America's Craft Beer Industry
From the Island of Kaua’i, Hawaii (Kauai Island Brewing Co.), just up the road from NIST’s Time & Frequency Transmitting Station), to Bar Harbor, Maine (Bar Harbor Brewing Company); and from Fairbanks, Alaska (Silver Gulch Brewing and Bottling Company), to Ponce, Puerto Rico (Señorial Brewing Company, craft breweries can be found in all regions of the United States. The industry has been growing for a long time, as witnessed by this quote from Sherwood Boehlert, former member, U.S. House of Representatives, “For the second straight year, craft beer is the fastest growing segment of the U.S. alcoholic beverage industry. In 2005, craft beer experienced a 9 percent increase in volume, nearly triple that of the growth experienced in the wine and spirits industry.”

About the author

Dave Cranmer

Dave Cranmer is the former Deputy Director of the Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). With MEP since 1993, he has overseen extension centers, conducted research on innovation, new product and service development and deployment, supply chains, technology roadmapping, eBusiness and exporting, built a business-to-business marketing consulting practice for smaller manufacturers, established specialty consulting practices in financial access, eBusiness, technology scouting and technology-driven market intelligence (TDMI). He has also worked on the formation of technology collaboratives using TDMI and a set of business-to-business network pilot projects for the MEP System. He was previoulsy the government representative on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's Devices Good Manufacturing Practice Advisory Committee.

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