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INFOGRAPHIC: What Manufacturing Really Looks Like

Manufacturing enables our everyday lives, drives our economy and can bring communities across the country together. This infographic represents how manufacturing is diverse, supports 18.5 million U.S. jobs and has a multitude of career opportunities including engineers, designers, machinists and computer programmers. Just in time for this year's Manufacturing Day on October 7th, it's been updated to represent the amazing results of MFG Day 2015. View the full infographic to see What Manufacturing Really Looks Like. 

About the author

Zara Brunner

Zara Brunner is the communications director at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Office of Advanced Manufacturing (OAM). Zara received a B.A. with honors in political science with a focus on economics from State University of New York at Fredonia. Prior to joining OAM, Zara managed marketing and communications at the Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP), which she joined in 2011.  At MEP, she oversaw internal and external marketing and communications about the program and its National Network of Centers.

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This is an awesome infographic. It's great that there's an event like this to promote manufacturing, especially to a younger audience that is deciding on a career path. Manufacturing has so much to offer.

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