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Metal Fabricator’s Future Shines Brightly With Updated Quality Management System

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Credit: iStock/marchmeena29

Founded in Carbondale, Pennsylvania, in 1876, Hendrick Manufacturing provides custom metal solutions to a wide range of industries. As a family-owned and operated business, Hendrick has come a long way from its origin as the first commercial manufacturer of perforated metal screens. During the past 140 years, its perforated metals market has expanded to a myriad of industries that benefit from its products’ filtration/separation properties. Hendrick has also broadened its reach into the architectural market, which recognizes the utility as well as the innate aesthetic beauty of its metals.

In addition to its headquarters in Carbondale, Hendrick opened a second location in Owensboro, Kentucky, in 1974. This subsidiary was named the Hendrick Screen Company and has grown to become one of the most recognized global manufacturers of quality wedge wire and profile bar screens. Today, its customer number is in the thousands and includes many Fortune 500 companies, with products being delivered to more than 35 countries around the world.

Hendrick Manufacturing, an ISO 9001:2008 certified company, desired an external resource to assist in upgrading its quality management system (QMS) for certification in ISO 9001:2015 to ensure its quality processes and protocols met client requirements. If they did not upgrade the QMS, Hendrick was at risk of losing many of its most lucrative accounts.

NEPIRC continues to provide value to our business and has come to our rescue with little notice.

— Mr. Alan Meyers, Chief Operating Officer, Hendrick Manufacturing

Once retained by Hendrick Manufacturing for this engagement, Northeastern Pennsylvania Industrial Resource Center (NEPIRC), part of the Pennsylvania MEP and the MEP National Network™, provided a two-day gap analysis of Hendrick’s existing quality management system under ISO 9001:2008 to the ISO 9001:2015 standard at its headquarters in Carbondale.

In addition to the gap analysis, NEPIRC provided a one-day ISO 9001:2015 transition training to several of Hendrick’s employees. The training addressed topics like setting the foundation of quality management procedures, establishing a vision, mission and objectives for the QMS and implications of the Annex SL format. It also included changes in wording, new requirements, understanding the concepts of the organization and its context, needs and expectations of interested parties, risk-based thinking requirements, and new top management requirements.

Lastly, NEPIRC provided an eight-day documentation revision and consultation for specific issues during the implementation of Hendrick’s ISO 9001:2015 QMS. NEPIRC made modifications to existing ISO documentation and then met with Hendrick personnel to review the changes to ensure a full understanding of the changes.


  • $250,000 in increased or retained sales
  • 5 created or retained jobs
  • $20,000 in cost savings

Could your company benefit from assistance with certifications? Connect with your local MEP Center for more information.

The Pennsylvania Manufacturing Extension Partnership is the official representative of the MEP National Network in Pennsylvania. The MEP National Network is a unique public-private partnership that helps small and medium-sized manufacturers generate business results and thrive in today’s technology-driven economy. The MEP National Network comprises the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s Manufacturing Extension Partnership (NIST MEP) and the 51 MEP Centers located in all 50 states and Puerto Rico.

About the author

Pennsylvania Manufacturing Extension Partnership

The IRC Network consists of seven nonprofit Industrial Resource Centers located strategically throughout the Commonwealth and affiliated with the national Manufacturing Extension Program (MEP) as part of the PA MEP. Established to help manufacturers respond to changing markets, new technology and the competitive pressures of today's global economy, these Centers offer small and medium-sized businesses a wide range of services. From business growth, innovation, process improvement and training, there's little Pennsylvania's IRCs can't do to support manufacturers needs for growth.

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