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Updates from MEP Center Staff Embedded in Manufacturing USA Institutes

Updates from MEP Center Staff Embedded in Manufacturing USA Institutes

From sensors, biofabrication and advanced materials to optics and photonics, there is no shortage of exciting new advancements coming out of the Manufacturing USA Institutes. As part of a pilot project to fully leverage the assets and resources of the Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) National NetworkTM to aid small and medium-sized manufacturers (SMMs) in the institutes’ technology focus areas, staff from 10 MEP Centers have been embedded in each of the 14 institutes.

Phil Singerman and Jim Watson
CMTC, California’s MEP Center, recently hosted the Embedded Staff Quarterly Summit for MEP Center staff embedded in the institutes. The event was held at the California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology (Calit2) at the University of California Irvine (UCI), with support from the MEP National Network. Calit2 is a Technology Demonstration Center for the Clean Energy Smart Manufacturing Innovation Institute (CESMII), whose mission is to become the driving, sustainable engine that delivers real-time business improvements in U.S. manufacturing. Attendees included key leadership and embedded staff from the MEP National Network as well as UCI faculty, funding agency project managers and other invited guests. The summit provided a forum for collaboration on the transfer of institute developed technologies as well as knowledge and know-how to SMMs.

There is no question that rapidly advancing technologies such as additive manufacturing, advanced robotics and digital manufacturing have fundamentally changed how we think about design, fabrication and support in manufacturing. The challenge is to translate this new thinking into new approaches to engage SMMs in technology adoption that increase productivity and competitiveness. Participants at the summit saw new adoption approaches from each of the 14 institutes, through presentations, break-out sessions and real-world experiences from small manufacturers. Tours were also provided of the Calit2 facility where Smart Manufacturing concepts are being translated into practice, accelerating innovation and shortening the time to develop products and jobs.

Updates from MEP Center Staff Embedded in Manufacturing USA Institutes
The knowledge gained from the Embedded Staff Quarterly Summit will help MEP Centers throughout the country improve and expedite their approaches to transfer technologies, knowledge and expertise to SMMs.

For further information, please visit:

About the author

Steven Brand

Steven Brand is the Strategic Communications Manager at CMTC, the California MEP Center. He has over 20 years of director level experience in the healthcare, packaged goods, financial services and consulting fields. In his varied career, he has developed a strong quantitative and qualitative strategic planning expertise coupled with hands on implementation skills. Additionally, he has been the executive producer of numerous large scale events featuring nationally known celebrities.

He is recognized for his development of innovative advertising, social media and public relations campaigns with proven results in increasing market share and building awareness in targeted communities. Over the years, he has built successful relationships with print and broadcast media organizations. He is a consummate public speaker, media spokesperson and customer service educator. He has a wide breadth of knowledge in all aspects of the marketing communications field.

He graduated from UCLA with a B.A. degree in economics and then went on to earn an MBA from the University of Denver.

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