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Watch out Hollywood – Here comes Louroe!

You’ve heard it here first folks! Hollywood has a new breakout star! Introducing the team at Louroe Electronics – MEP’s next featured company in the “Heroes of American Manufacturing” video series!

It seemed too good to be true: an electronics manufacturer based in the heart of Los Angeles, California selling their product around the world. Is this just another Hollywood production with green screen and CGI magic to lure me into thinking that a manufacturer like this existed?

As we drove past the familiar L.A. scenes, I was surprised by the setting for the next “Hero of American Manufacturing.” The success story from the MEP Southern California center, CMTC, shared that our hero, Louroe Electronics, experienced a 46% increase in exporting sales and specifically 1200% growth exporting to Mexico after going through the ExporTech program. No super hero needed? Impossible.

We pulled up to a clean white brick building with roses outside and a large “Louroe Electronics” sign blaring in the L.A. sun. “Here we go,” I thought. “Let’s see what this company is really about.”

We were immediately greeted by genuine smiles and excitement for the production ahead.

When I shook the hand of Richard Brent, Louroe CEO, I was drawn to his passion about the audio monitoring business. Within minutes he was sharing stories about employees who have been with the company for over 21 years. He told us his views on focus, risk, innovation, diversity and the true meaning of success. He immediately talked about the employees, partners, suppliers and customers that helped put his company on our list as an American manufacturing hero – but he was quick to point out that the people who are featured on the walls throughout the office were the real heroes. Pilar, Emiliano, Sara and the other Louroe employees are the ones our camera crew needed to focus on … the people in all of the departments making Louroe a leader in the security industry. 

 These are the heroes of American manufacturing. Everyday they manufacturer world-class products efficiently and effectively. They look for opportunities to develop new innovative products that customers don’t even know they need. They find new customers abroad to export their “Made in USA” products. And all along the way they know when they need a bit of help they just need to turn to CMTC to find the right programs and a trusted advisor to accelerate their growth.

For one and a half days our production team followed and interviewed the Louroe team to get a peak into what makes an American Manufacturing hero tick. After leaving the shoot I knew we had a blockbuster on our hands. No fancy camerawork or animation was needed. No make-up or acting coaches. We didn’t have to call in a scriptwriter. No. This company is real. Their story is simple and powerful – work hard, innovate, look for new opportunities and when you don’t know what do next – ask for help.

Consider this a preview and trailer for one of the best stories you’ll see out of Hollywood – “Louroe Electronics: A Hero of American Manufacturing”. I’ll bring the popcorn.

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