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What Manufacturers Are Saying About MEP

The Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) is a public-private partnership with a national network of thousands of trusted business advisors, manufacturing experts, and partners who support one another in discovering and leveraging services and programs for manufacturers. Each quarter, MEP Centers, which are located in every state within the U.S. and Puerto Rico, submit success stories of what they have accomplished working with manufacturers in that state. You can find these success stories archived on the MEP website.

But what if you want to hear directly from the manufacturer, in their own words? Yesterday, NIST MEP released a new video that lets you do just that. MEP Center clients discuss the positive impacts of working with their local MEP Center, such as CMTC, MANTEC, and Impact Washington — from growing their revenue and finding new markets to making their company more competitive and innovative. These relationships are not only good for the manufacturer, but for their community as well.

Watch the video to learn what manufacturers are saying about MEP.

What Manufacturers Are Saying About MEP
What Manufacturers Are Saying About MEP

About the author

Nicole Ausherman

Nicole is a Digital Information Specialist in the NIST MEP Marketing and Communications group. She oversees the Manufacturing Innovation Blog, MEP's public and internal websites as well as all social media channels. Her experience in web development, graphic design and social media spans over 17 years and includes both the private and public sector.

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