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Why National Manufacturing Day Matters: The Garden State’s Perspective

New Jersey isn’t just about great beaches, Bruce Springsteen and The Sopranos… the Garden State is home to some of the most innovative manufacturers in the world! From chemicals and plastics to electronics and food, New Jersey’s robust manufacturing sector employs more than 240,000 workers responsible for nearly $46 billion in output[1].

We may be a small state, but we pack a mighty punch. Our manufacturers offer diverse career opportunities and well-paying jobs. In fact, the average annual compensation for a manufacturing worker in New Jersey is almost $92 thousand, higher than the national average of $77 thousand.

Celebrate Modern Manufacturing

While manufacturing is such a critical part of our state’s economy, we need to get the public to understand the importance of our sector and the incredible career options that manufacturing has to offer. This is why National Manufacturing Day matters.

Manufacturing Day was established in 2012 to expand the knowledge about and improve the public’s view of manufacturing careers and the industry’s value to the U.S. economy. The celebration looks to raise awareness about manufacturing’s impact and change the perception of manufacturing careers for future generations. It’s important that business and community leaders, legislative representatives and students and educators, all understand how vital the manufacturing sector is to economic growth.

New Jersey Set for National Manufacturing Day 2015

NJMEP is a proud supporter of Manufacturing Day, and on Friday, October 2nd, we are honored to join the celebration once again!

Annual “Made in New Jersey” Event

Every year in celebration of Manufacturing Day, NJMEP organizes a “Made in New Jersey” event for the state’s manufacturers and business community. On Friday, October 2nd, we anticipate that a crowd of 500+ people will be joining together for our event at The Palace in Somerset Park, New Jersey. The event will take place from 7:30am – 12:00pm and will feature keynotes, panel discussions and resources for manufacturers. For more information on the event, click here.

New Jersey Manufacturing Awards

In honor of Manufacturing Day, NJMEP has teamed up with NJBIZ to create the New Jersey Manufacturing Awards. This will be the second year we are hosting the awards, and the winners will be announced at the Made in New Jersey Event. Companies will be honored in the following categories for Manufacturer of the Year:

  • Small Company: less than 50 employees
  • Medium Company: between 51 and 250 employees
  • Large Company: 251 employees and greater

We will also be awarding the Raymond Hopp Award for Excellence and the Innovator of the Year Award.  If you are an NJ manufacturer or know a NJ manufacturer who you would like to nominate for an award, click here for more details

Tours throughout the State

And of course, Manufacturing Day is about getting the public to experience manufacturing first-hand. We love Manufacturing Day so much here in New Jersey that we actually celebrate it all week!

For the week leading up to Manufacturing Day, NJMEP is helping NJ manufacturers gain recognition by opening their doors and sharing their stories. Events in the works include open houses for students, educators and business members, tours for legislators, educational presentations and unique events such as a “women in manufacturing” roundtable.

New Jersey is excited to join the nation’s biggest celebration of manufacturing. We’re ready to spread awareness about modern manufacturing and work to inspire the next generation of manufacturers! See what’s happening or how you can get involved by visiting the National Manufacturing Day website.

  [1] Sources: U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis and the U.S. Census Bureau

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Not only is NJ a manufacturing hub, in New Jersey we have an outstanding manufacturing supply base. NJ may was the embroidery capital of the world in the last century. NJ should still be celebrated as an industry leader and innovator.

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