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Taking Measure

Just a Standard Blog

Going Nuts over NIST’s Standard Reference Peanut Butter

NIST SRM 2387, Peanut Butter, with white bread

NIST SRM 2387, Peanut Butter, with white bread. 

Credit: NIST

Maintaining a social media account involves keeping track of the many random celebrations that can provide an excuse to post a story that otherwise might not have a timely hook. National Peanut Butter Day (Jan. 24 for the uninitiated) is just such a day.

While NIST chemist Carolyn Burdette spent a cold morning last February testing samples of peanut butter (yes, that’s part of her job), a visitor to our Gaithersburg, Md., campus was snapping a photo of a jar of the stuff, which is on display in our lobby.

The image he posted to Twitter and imgur quickly shot around social media and stories soon appeared on sites including BoingBoing, the Food Network and Smithsonian magazine.

“I felt a mix of pride and amusement as this story quickly played out over the Internet,” says Burdette. “We know what we do is valuable for industry and ultimately the consumer, but we don’t expect to see it talked about on Reddit!”

NIST chemist Carolyn Burdette in a white lab coat and wearing goggles holding up a jar of  SRM 2387, Peanut Butter
NIST chemist Carolyn Burdette with SRM 2387, Peanut Butter.
Credit: B. Place/NIST

NIST seems an unlikely source for peanut butter, but we actually sell a variety of “foods,” including spinach, low-calorie cranberry juice cocktail and something called “meat homogenate.” Although you could theoretically consume them, that’s not what they are intended for—and the grocery store probably has much tastier, and certainly less expensive, options.

NIST sells these “foods” to help make you a more informed consumer … pun intended. As you are no doubt aware, packaged foods come with a list of nutritional values mandated by the Nutrition Labeling and Education Act of 1990, which is enforced by the Food and Drug Administration.

You may be less aware of where those numbers come from. Well, manufacturers don’t just make them up. They have to do tests. NIST develops food and beverage-related standard reference materials (SRMs) to help them know that those tests are giving them the right answers.

Food manufacturers use the SRMs to calibrate their test methods and equipment. If their tests of our SRMs do not give them the answers that we say they should, they know that something has gone wrong with their tests and they have some adjustments to make. Once their results agree with ours, they know that their tests are properly calibrated and they can then accurately label their products with nutritional information and consumers can know that they are getting a balanced diet (or not, no judgment). When a company buys an SRM from NIST, they are really buying all of the measurements and scientific expertise that went into determining its chemical or physical properties, as well as NIST’s level of certainty regarding those measurements. After all, knowing how good your measurement is is as important as knowing the measurement itself, which is why NIST works constantly to improve measurement science.

NIST sells some 1,300 SRMs that help a variety of industries make sure they are meeting regulations or industry standards that help ensure the safety and consistency of their products, among other characteristics.

But the food and beverage SRMs can present unique challenges, in particular to NIST staff. Said one anonymous researcher, “I remember the trouble I had with the baking chocolate SRM. Never before during my sample prep had I wanted to 'catch the drip' on the lip of the beaker with my finger and eat it.”

Our researchers may not get to taste test the SRMs, but they help ensure that you are getting what you expect from the foods you buy, which is pretty sweet.

About the author

Mark Esser

Mark Esser has been a writer/editor in the NIST Public Affairs Office since October 2007. He has written internal and external news, video scripts,  speeches and other content on a wide variety of subjects. He helped to initiate and served as contributing and managing editor of the NIST Taking Measure blog from 2016 until 2021. He now works in NIST internal communications. 

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The world's falling apart and NIST wastes time with this nonsense? DUH!!!
Hi, Robert. NIST has been making standard reference materials like this to help industry maintain and improve product quality and comply with government regulations since 1906. SRM 2387 is only one of more than 1,300 materials made for this purpose.
Not so. Consistency of product and repeatability are absolutely essential to produce aquality product. Retired quality assurance inspector

Hello Robert,

This peanut butter is very carefully mixed and measured using complex instruments over a series of months or years, in order to provide a reference to factories when their machines become uncalibrated. It is also used to detect any irregularities in the ingredients. Hope this helps!

Compare these to gauge blocks used in machine shops to calibrate manual lathes.

I think many articles like this must be published in the "takingmeasure blog" in order to introduce standard reference materials very well for those not knowing and understanding its importance.
NIST sells an SRM 1196 - cigarettes for ignition testing. In the past the test methods specified a 100 mm unfiltered cigarette and advised purchasing a "fresh" pack to make sure they were not dried out since moisture was a concern. These could have been Pall Malls, Chesterfields, Phillip Morris, etc. Now NIST sells a unit of two cartons of 10 packs each with 20 cigarettes in a pack (400 total) for $261 dollars (about $13 a pack). I am certain that having spent the money these laboratories will keep them dried out or not until consumed which for most labs would take years. Will these results be representative or comparable? Who knows? Meanwhile NIST is way behind on industry requests for metallic standards involving titanium and other alloys as a meeting at NIST last spring (2015) brought out and pleading lack of resources.
Hi Doug, what meeting are you referring to?

I appreciate the link to other food and beverage related SRMs. It has me wondering if we could organize a cooking contest. Make any dish you like, so long as composed solely of SRMs.

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