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FY 2024: Presidential Budget Request Summary

top left: people in hardhats and vest with steel; middle top left: woman at laser table; middle top right: portrait show; bottom middle: woman at laser table; right: man at laser table
Credit: NIST

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) mission is to promote U.S. innovation and industrial competitiveness by advancing measurement science, standards and technology in ways that enhance economic security and improve our quality of life.

We accomplish our mission in several ways, including:

  • Supporting national manufacturing networks and workforce development.
  • Improving the nation’s cybersecurity. 
  • Advancing research in critical and emerging technologies. 
  • Ensuring trustworthy and resilient supply chains.
  • Assessing the impact of carbon in the environment. 

“Throughout our history, there have been moments — like the one we are in today — of tremendous global competition where we, as a nation, have come together to drive technological progress on an unprecedented scale and ensure America’s global leadership.”

— Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo, Speech on CHIPS Act
Feb. 23, 2023

After accounting for congressionally directed spending in the FY 2023 budget, the President’s FY 2024 Budget Request for NIST provides an increase of $358.5 million (+29%) to support mission critical programs at NIST including a substantial increase to begin addressing critical NIST facility needs; expand cutting-edge research; ensure NIST’s manufacturing programs strengthen our supply chains and address critical workforce gaps; and fully fund inflationary adjustments to current programs. See table for details.

Budget Summary

(Dollars in millions)

ActivityFY22 EnactedFY23 EnactedFY24 President's Request
FY24 STRS Program Increases*  $68.7
Congressionally-Directed Spending$37.6$62.5$0.0
FY24 ITS Program Increases*  $161.2
FY24 CRF Program Increases*  $128.6
Congressionally-Directed Spending$125.6$332.3$0.0
Total, NIST Discretionary$1,230.1**$1,627.3**$1,632.0

* Funding shown for informational purposes; does not contribute to the totals provided in table. 
** Excludes one-time supplemental funds.

Scientific and Technical Research and Services (STRS)

The FY 2024 budget includes new efforts to ensure U.S. leadership in key national priority areas:

  • Advancing Research in Critical and Emerging Technologies (CET) +$20M: To ensure a strong foundation for future standards development by investing in CET research, measurements and data to drive advances in AI, quantum information science and engineering, biotechnology and advanced communications.
  • Cybersecurity and Privacy, +$20M: To meet increased consumer, industry and government demands for cybersecurity and privacy-related standards, guidelines and other resources in areas of critical national importance.  
  • Trustworthy and Resilient Domestic Supply Chains, +$8M: To provide the supply chain tools required to ensure cybersecurity and trust, verify authenticity of high-tech components, and identify circular economy approaches that reduce the need for essential components like critical minerals. 
  • Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability, +$5.5M: To assess the impact of carbon in the environment by expanding research efforts in strategies for CO2 removal and by developing greenhouse gas measurement tools and standards for a comprehensive approach that ensures accuracy and trustworthiness of carbon data.
  • Measurement Science Modernization, +$5M: To continue and accelerate the transition started in FY 2023 to digital measurement services delivery and to provide the infrastructure needed for modern preparation and packaging of reference materials.
  • National Construction Safety Team Act Implementation, +$5M: To sustain and expand NIST’s ability to support investigations under the National Construction Safety Team Act of 2002 that can result in life-saving improvements in standards and codes. 
  • Advanced Neutron Research Instrumentation, +$3M: To support the development and operation of innovative advanced neutron measurement instrumentation to ensure that the NIST Center for Neutron Research remains a world-class user facility.
  • NIST Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility Initiatives, +$2.2M: To support the priorities identified in the NIST DEIA Strategic Plan including strategic STEM partnerships with minority serving institutions and targeted STEM recruitment and retention strategies.

Industrial Technology Services (ITS)

  • Manufacturing USA, +$60.3M: To provide critical support for the existing 16 Manufacturing USA institutes, allowing full benefit to the nation’s manufacturing ecosystem from this national network of public-private partnerships through the creation and operation of test beds, support for technology transfer in emerging priority areas, and engagement with underserved communities.
  • Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership, +$100.9M: To accelerate progress for supporting a focused national effort that strengthens U.S. manufacturing and empowers small and medium-sized manufacturers by narrowing the workforce gap, mitigating supply chain vulnerabilities and leveraging advanced technology. 

Construction of Research Facilities (CRF)

The FY 2024 budget request includes significant investments in the repair and revitalization of NIST facilities that begin to address the capital facility needs of NIST identified in a recent National Academies report.

“The deteriorating condition of NIST facilities is hindering its mission by causing substantive delays in key technology and national security work, serious damage to highly specialized and costly equipment, and significant loss of technical staff productivity.”

— National Academies report 

  • Repair and Revitalization of NIST Facilities, +$48.6M: To support infrastructure improvements and enhancement of research spaces across the Gaithersburg, Maryland, and Boulder, Colorado, campuses, ensuring that NIST can support a leading-edge research and development program that advances U.S. innovation in quantum information science, artificial intelligence, advanced manufacturing, cybersecurity, privacy, 5G telecommunications and other critical programs.
  • Gaithersburg Central Utility Plant (CUP) Modernization, +$50M: To provide for the full modernization of the CUP to replace all existing infrastructure and older equipment with new state-of-the-art sustainable systems.
  • Multiple HVAC System Replacements, +$30M: To ensure air handling units and related heating, ventilation and air conditioning distribution systems in most buildings across the Gaithersburg, Maryland, campus provide clean, temperature-controlled air at proper ventilation rates to building occupants.

To learn more about the CHIPS program, visit

Created March 13, 2023, Updated February 6, 2025