Improving the safety and efficiency of first responders with VR/AR
Team members: LookOnMedia: Brian Mahoney; Jonathan Powell; Zeljko Strakalj and Virtual Reality Technology Universe: Hurriyet A. OK and Selim Yargici
LookonMedia is a Virtual Reality (VR) development studio based in Baltimore, Maryland. Using the latest in 3D rendering and 360 video technology and their extensive background in the games industry, their team is able to create high end visuals and engaging interactivity for any VR experience.
VRTU specializes in Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and 360° video technologies to create immersive and transformative learning experiences. Their approach is to design and integrate creative visual arts and innovative products and bring cost-effective learning solutions to the target market. They develop VR content custom-made for specific learning needs in an organization, such as an enterprise, an education institution, or a government entity. They also offer AR/VR products for consumer use worldwide and transmedia products for amazing learning experiences unattainable by standard video-based eLearning.
Brian Mahoney of LookonMedia has over 15 years of 3D Environment Modeling, serving as the Senior Environment Model for XCOM. He has received more than 10 game of the year awards and shipped 6 AAA titles.
Jonathan Powell of LookonMedia has over 15 years of Front End Design/ UX and over 10 years in audio/video production. He received his Bachelor of Science in Digital Design and Marketing and produced 3 award winning mobile games with over 1 million user sessions.
Zeljko Strakalj of LookOnMedia has over 15 years of programming experience is over 10 different programming languages and experience in multiple 2D/3D engines. He has shipped eight AAA titles.
Hurriyet A. Ok, Founder of VRT-U LLC, has over 25 years of leadership in enterprise architecture, IT infrastructure, and cyber security, with a Ph.D. in Computer Science. He also has won awards as a community TV producer.
Selim Yargici of VRT-U LLC, has over 10 years of mobiel development and serves as a AR/VR Subject Matter Expert. He has developed apps that have won multiple awards with over 850,000 mobile learners. He has both a BS in Computer Science and a MBA.
Team LookOn Media and Team Virtual Reality Technology Universe collaborated on this challenge with a shared goal to create a Hyper Effective HUD for Firefighters that was easy to use, has streamlined features and utilizes only the critical info to save lives. Their solution offers voice activation, which allows the user to issue manual commands.
Key Features