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Transformational Networks and Services Group

The Transformational Networks and Services group develops measurement science, test, and measurement techniques, and best practices to enable new disruptive network technologies, including high-performance networking, 5G/6G core networks, optical and quantum networking, cloud computing, information-centric networks, end-to-end service management, edge intelligence, and applications such as teleoperation of automated vehicles.

Transformative communications - quantum, 5G/6G networks, and more


The Transformational Networks and Services Group develops foundational network science, network measurement science, engineering, standards, and best practices to support smart industrial transformations critical to national priorities such as industrial automation, smart grids, and smart transportation. The Group’s research efforts include 5G/6G core networks, optical and quantum networking, cloud computing, information-centric networks, edge intelligence, indoor localization, smart grid communication networks, and teleoperation of automated vehicles.



Phase stabilization with single photon detection for quantum networks

Jabir Marakkarakath Vadakkepurayil, Daehyun Ahn, FNU Nur Fajar Rizqi Annafianto, Ivan Burenkov, Abdella Battou, Sergey Polyakov
Maintaining stable phases in interferometric systems and optical links is pivotal for the functionality of diverse quantum communication protocols. However


5G Core Networks Testbed

This project, as part of our 6G Core and Edge Networks and Services Project, is building a 5G/6G Core Network Testbed— which we refer to as OpenCoreNet—to support research on sixth generation (6G) networks and to explore how 6G can best improve industry applications. OpenCoreNet focuses on core

5G/6G Core Networks and Services

The main tasks of this program are: Task 1: 6G Core Network Architecture: I nvestigating AI-native architectures that not just execute AI/ML-based network functions but also support the creation, management, cooperation, measurement, and evolution of these functions. Task 2: Key Technologies Task 2

Automated Vehicles and AV Communications

Automated vehicles (AVs), or Automated Driving Systems-equipped (ADS-equipped) vehicles, have great potential to improve our lives by freeing us from the stress of driving and reducing accidents caused by distractions or poor judgement. Connected, reliable, and safe AVs will spark significant

Edge AI

This project: Develops edge learning and edge-enabled collaborative learning algorithms. Develops measurement methods for testing the performance and robustness of edge-learned, and more generally collaboratively learned, AI/ML models. Collaborates with other projects (e.g., 5G/6G Core Network


Group Leader