Mr. James Schufreider
Director, Office of Congressional and Legislative Affairs
Jim Schufreider was named the Director of Congressional and Legislative Affairs at the National Institute of Standards and Technology in May of 2007, after having previously served for six years as a Budget and Appropriations Specialist in the Department of Commerce’s Office of Legislative and Intergovernmental Affairs under two Secretaries of Commerce.
Mr. Schufreider also served as a Congressional Affairs Specialist for the Department’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and was a Legislative Outreach Specialist for NASA.
Mr. Schufreider began his career in Washington on the staff of Senator Alan J. Dixon (D-IL) (1987-1993), as a Legislative Assistant handling issues before the Senate Committees on Foreign Relations, Judiciary, and Commerce, Science, and Transportation, and then with Representative Mel Reynolds (D-IL-2), as Legislative Director, handling the Representative’s responsibilities for the House Ways and Means Committee, and its Subcommittees on Social Security and Human Resources.
Mr. Schufreider later served with former-Senator Dixon as Liaison to the House of Representatives on the 1995 Defense Base Closure and Realignment Commission.
A native of Skokie, Illinois, Mr. Schufreider graduated from Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in 1983 with degrees in History and Political Science, and received a Masters Degree in Student Personnel Administration from Columbia University, Teacher’s College in New York City in 1985.