October 29, 2019 |
Session I: NIST Update |
8:30 am |
Call to Order and Introductions |
8:35 am |
Special Presentation to Dr. Colwell |
8:45 am |
NIST Update and Agenda Review |
9:30 am |
Discussion |
9:40 am |
NIST Safety Update |
9:50 am |
Discussion |
Session II: NIST and the Administration’s Priorities for Science and Technology |
9:55 am |
Overview of the Administrations Priorities for Science and Technology |
10:15 am |
Discussion |
10:25 am |
Break |
10:40 am |
Overview of NSTC Joint Committee on Research Enterprise and NIST Engagement |
10:55 am |
Discussion Regarding NIST Engagement with JCORE |
Session III: NIST Strategic Plan – Positioning for a Changing S&T Environment |
11:15 am |
NIST Strategic Plan Update/Overview |
11:45 am |
Discussion |
12:00 pm |
Lunch |
Session IV: NIST’s Role in a Rapidly Changing Technology World |
1:15 pm |
The NIST Privacy Framework |
1:45 pm |
Discussion |
2:00 pm |
U.S. Government and Emerging Technology Standardization – Implications for NIST’s Roles |
2:15 pm |
Discussion |
2:25 pm |
Changing Dynamics in International Standards Development |
2:40 pm |
Discussion |
2:50 pm |
Industry Stakeholder Panel
3:20 pm |
Discussion |
3:35 pm |
Break |
Session V: NIST and Equity |
3:50 pm |
NIST Actions on Equity and Career Advancement for Women and Minorities |
4:20 pm |
Discussion |
4:30 pm |
Adjourn |
October 30, 2019 |
Session VI: NIST and Technology Transfer |
8:30 am |
Call to Order |
8:35 am |
Overview and Introduction |
8:40 am |
Progress on Implementation of the NIST Green Paper |
8:50 am |
NIST Technology Transfer Activities |
9:05 am |
Assessment of the Boulder Innovation Ecosystem |
9:20 am |
Discussion |
9:35 am |
Technology Transfer Subcommittee Update |
9:45 am |
Break |
Session VII: NIST International Engagements |
10:00 am |
Overview of NIST’s International Role and Activities |
10:30 am |
Discussion |
10:45 am |
VCAT Member discussion and summary of key points |
11:00 am |
Public Comment |
11:30 am |
Adjourn |