I, _______________________, a person engaging in research and
development of natural-language-processing,
information-retrieval or document-understanding systems, and a member
of, consultant to, or person
providing service to the following organization:
- Organization
- Corporation/Partnership/Legal Entity
- Official mail address
- _________________________________________________________________
- _________________________________________________________________
- Telephone _____________________________________
- Facsimile _____________________________________
- Electronic mail ________________________________
apply(ies) to use the information designated as the TREC
Information-Retrieval Text Research Collection
subject to the following understandings, terms and conditions. These
understandings, terms and conditions
apply equally to all or to part of the information.
Permitted Uses
- The information may only be used for research and
development of natural-language-processing, information-retrieval
or document-understanding systems.
- Summaries, analyses and interpretations of the linguistic
properties of the information may be derived and
published, provided it is not possible to reconstruct the
information from these summaries.
- Small excerpts of the information may be displayed to others
or published in a scientific or technical context,
solely for the purpose of describing the research and
development and related issues. Any such use shall not
infringe on the rights of any third party including, but limited
to, the authors and publishers of the excerpts.
Access to the Information by Individuals
- Access to the information by an individual person is to be
controlled by that person's organization.
The organization may only grant access to people working under
its control, i.e., its own members, consultants
to the organization, or individuals providing service to the
- Individuals may be allowed access to the information only
after completion and submission of this form.
The access is to be terminated when the conditions of the
application no longer apply. The organization will
retain the applications of all persons ever granted access to
the information and make them available upon request
to any of the copyright holders and to the institution or agency
holding this completed application.
- The organization will maintain and post a list of people
with current and recently-terminated access to the
- An individual with access may only display the information
to or share the information with persons whom
his organization lists as having access to the information.
- The copyright holders retain ownership and reserve all
rights pertaining to the use and
distribution of the information.
- Except as specifically permitted above and as necessary to
use and maintain the integrity of the
information on computers used by the organization; the display,
reproduction, transmission, distribution
or publication of the information is prohibited. Violations of
the copyright restrictions on the
information may result in legal liability.
- Copyright holders of the information contained in the
Information-Retrieval Text Research Collection include:
- Financial Times material, copyright 1988-1990,
1992-1994 Financial Times Limited;
- Foreign Broadcast Information Service material,
copyright 1994;
- Los Angeles Times material, copyright Los
Times 1989-1990;
- and other parties as their respective interests
By the Individual:
Name (please print) ______________________________
Title ___________________________
Accepted by the organization:
Name (please print) ______________________________
Title ___________________________