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Dickinson, H.C. and M.S. Van Dusen. "The Testing of Thermal Insulations," The American Society of Refrigeration Engineers, Vol. 3, September 1916, pp. 5-25.

M.S. Van Dusen. "The Thermal Conductivity of Heat Insulators," The American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers, Vol. 26, October 1920, pp. 385-414.

M.S. Van Dusen and J.L. Finck. "Heat Transfer Through Insulating Materials," American Institute of Refrigeration, May 1928, pp. 137-149.

Thermal Conductivity Conference sponsored by the National Physical Laboratory, England, summarized in Nature, Vol. 204, 1964, p. 636.

Hahn, M.H. "The Line Source Guarded Hot Plate for Measuring the Thermal Conductivity of Building and Insulating Materials, Ph.D. dissertation, Catholic University of America, 1971 available as Microfilm No. 72-17633 from University Microfilm International, 300 N. Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48106.

Hahn, M.H., Robinson, H.E., and Flynn, D.R., "Robinson Line-Heat-Source Guarded Hot Plate Apparatus," Heat Transmission Measurements in Thermal Insulations, ASTM STP 544, 1974, pp. 167-192.

Powell, F.J., and Siu, M.C.I., "Development of the Robinson Line-Heat-Source Guarded-Hot-Plate Apparatus for Measurement of Thermal Conductivity," Proceedings of XIV International Congress of Refrigeration, International Institute of Refrigeration, Moscow, 1975.

Siu, M.C.I., and Bulik, C., "National Bureau of Standards Line-Heat-Source Guarded-Hot-Plate Apparatus," Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol. 52, No. 11, 1981, pp. 1709-1716.

Powell, F.J., and Rennex, B.G., "The NBS Line-Heat-Source Guarded Hot Plate for Thick Materials," Proceedings of the ASHRAE/DOE Conference on Thermal Performance of Exterior Envelopes of Buildings II, Las Vegas, ASHRAE SP 38, ASHRAE, Atlanta, GA, 1983, pp. 657-672.

Rennex, B.G., "Error Analysis for the National Bureau of Standards 1016 mm Guarded Hot Plate," Journal of Thermal Insulation, Vol. 7, July 1983, pp. 18-51.

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Created July 26, 2011, Updated January 6, 2017