Design of Low-Gravity Fire-Suppression Experiments: Application to Space and Earth-Based Agent Development.. Reuther, J. J.; 1991
Evaluation of Halon Alternatives.. Robin, M. L.; 1991
Fire Suppression in Human-Crew Spacecraft.. Friedman, R.; Dietrich, D. L.; 1991
Inerting of Methane-Air Mixutres by Halon 1301 (CF3Br) and Halon Substitutes.. Zlochower, I. A.; Hertzberg, M. A.; 1991
Evaluation of Fire Extinguishants for Space Station Freedom.. Sircar, S.; Dees, J. S.; Beeson, H.; 1992
Halon Issues in Developing Countries.. Moore, T. A.; 1992
Inergen: A Breathable Gaseous Extinguishing Agent.. Riley, J. F.; 1992
Technical Assessment for the SNAP Program.. Skaggs, S. R.; Tapscott, R. E.; Moore, T. A.; 1992
Argonite: Environmentally Friendly Suppression System. [ABSTRACT ONLY]. Grindsted, E.; 1993
Halon Substitutes: An Overview.. Tapscott, R. E.; 1993
Inergen Approach.. Nichlas, J. S.; 1993
Regulation of Halons and Halon Substitutes: An Update.. Metchis, K.; 1993
Relative Extinguishment Effectivenss and Agent Decomposition Products of Halon Alternative Agents.. Filipczak, R. A.; 1993
Agent Decomposition Products of Halon Alternative Agents.. Filipczak, R. A.; 1994
INERGEN System Design and Application.. Pelton, D. A.; 1994
Suppression Effectiveness Studies of Halon-Alternative Agents in a Detonation/Deflagration Tube.. Gmurczyk, G. W.; Grosshandler, W. L.; 1994
Argon Fire Extinguishing Systems: The Simple Solution.. Koch, W.; 1995
Characterization of Extinguishants by Heat Extraction From Flames.. Brabson, G. D.; Patterson, R. A.; Walters, E. A.; Tapscott, R. E.; 1995
Current Status of the Halon Replacement Program for Army Ground Combat Vehicles.. Bolt, W.; Erdley, D.; Herud, C.; McCormick, S.; 1995
Flame Velocimetry Measurements of Inhibited Methane/Oxygen Flames Using Pulsed Flame Velocimetry.. McNesby, K. L.; Daniel, R. G.; Miziolek, A. W.; Babushok, V. I.; Cheskis, S. I.; Amirav, A.; 1995
Halon Alternatives Health Effects Assessment.. Rubenstein, R.; 1995
Improvement on Reproducibility of Flame Extinguishing Concentration Measured by Cup Burner Method.. Saito, N.; Saso, Y.; Ogawa, Y.; Inoue, Y.; Sakei, R.; Otsu, Y.; 1995
Evaluation of Selected NFPA 2001 Agents for Suppressing Class "C" Energized Fires.. Niemann, R.; Bayless, H.; Craft, C. H.; 1996
Experimental Study of the Flame Inhibition Effect of Iron Pentacarbonyl.. Reinelt, D.; Linteris, G. T.; 1996
Flame Extinguishment by Metal Containing Agents.. Brabson, G. D.; Walters, E. A.; Schiro, J.; Spencer, C.; Tapscott, R. E.; Patterson, R. A.; 1996
Flame Extinguishment With Homogeneous Solutions of a Chemical Agent Dissolved in Liquid Carbon Dioxide. Synergism Between Physical and Chemical Extinguishing Agents.. Christian, S. D.; Sliepcevich, C. M.; Tucker, E. E.; Lott, J. L.; Hagen, A. P.; 1996
Halon Replacement Program for Combat Vehicles: A Status Report.. Bolt, W.; Herud, C.; Treanor, T.; McCormick, S.; 1996
Heat Removed by the Burner as a Measurement of Degree of Extinguishment.. Spencer, C.; Brabson, G. D.; Walters, E. A.; Schiro, J.; Tapscott, R. E.; Patterson, R. A.; 1996
Inert Gas Fire Suppression Systems Using IG541 (INERGEN) Solving the Hydraulic Calculation Problem.. Wysocki, T.; Christensen, B.; 1996
Inerting Hydrocarbon Fuels With Halon Alternatives.. Zlochower, I. A.; 1996
Asymptotic and Numerical Techniques for Evaluating the Chemical and Thermal Influences of Fire-Suppressants on Nonpremixed Flames.. Seshadri, K.; Chandrasekhar, S.; 1997
C1 and C2 Fluorinated Hydrocarbon Effects on the Extinction Characteristics of Methane vs. Air Counterflow Diffusion Flames.. Tanoff, M. A.; Dobbins, R. R.; Smooke, M. D.; Burgess, D. R. F., Jr.; Zachariah, M. R.; Tsang, W.; Westmoreland, P. R.; 1997
Chemical and Physical Influences of Halogenated Fire Suppressants.. Babushok, V. I.; Noto, T.; Hamins, A.; Tsang, W.; 1997
Comparison of the NMERI and ICI-Style Cup Burners.. Moore, T. A.; Martinez, A.; Tapscott, R. E.; 1997
Cup Burner as a Suppression Mechanism Research Tool: Results, Interpretations, and Implications.. Sheinson, R. S.; Maranghides, A.; 1997
Effect of Interaction Between Halogenated Fire Suppressants and Inert Gas on Extinction Limit of Premixed Flame.. Ogawa, Y.; Saito, N.; Saso, Y.; 1997
Evaluation and Testing of Clean Agents for U.S. Army Combat Vehicle Portable Fire Extinguishers.. Moore, T. A.; Lifke, J. L.; 1997
Commercialized Halon Options. Short Course.. Tapscott, R. E.; 1998
Examining the Risks of Carbon Dioxide as a Fire Suppressant.. Skaggs, S. R.; 1998
Fire Suppression Testing of HFC-125, CF3I, and IG-541 for Fire Protection in Engine Compartments of Armoured Vehicles.. Su, J. Z.; Kim, A. K.; Liu, Z.; Crampton, G. P.; Kanabus-Kaminska, M.; 1998
Measurement of Hydroxyl Radical During Suppression of Low Pressure Opposed Flow Methane/Air Diffusion Flames by FE(CO)5, CF3BR, and N2.. Skaggs, R. R.; McNesby, K. L.; Daniel, R. G.; Homan, B.; Miziolek, A. W.; 1998
Nitrogen Gas as a Halon Replacement.. Moore, T. A.; Yamada, N.; 1998
Novel Device for Disseminating Fire Extinguishing Agents. Part 2.. Peregino, P. J., II; Finnerty, A. E.; VandeKieft, L. J.; 1998
Development of a Standard Cup-Burner Apparatus: NFPA and IOS Standard Methods.. Robin, M. L.; Rowland, T. F.; 1999
Effectiveness of Clean Agents on Burning Polymeric Materials Subjected to an External Energy Source.. Smith, D. M.; Rivers, P. E.; 1999
Full-Scale Fire Testing of Argon as an Inert Gas Agent.. Kim, A. K.; Su, J. Z.; Crampton, G. P.; 1999
Inergen Fire Suppression Testing.. Su, J. Z.; Kim, A. K.; Liu, Z.; Crampton, G. P.; 1999
Investigation of Extinguishment by Thermal Agents Using Detailed Chemical Modeling of Opposed-Flow Diffusion Flames.. Pitts, W. M.; Blevins, L. G.; 1999
Measurement of the Extinguishing Concentration of Gaseous Fuels Using the Cup-Burner Apparatus.. Ural, E. A.; 1999
Setting the Occupational Exposure Limit for CF3I.. Skaggs, S. R.; Rubenstein, R.; 1999
Spectroscopic Studies of Inhibited Opposed-Flow Propane/Air Flames.. Skaggs, R. R.; Daniel, R. G.; Miziolek, A. W.; McNesby, K. L.; Babushok, V. I.; Tsang, W.; Smooke, M. D.; 1999
Suppressant Performance Evaluation in a Baffle-Stabilized Pool Fire.. Grosshandler, W. L.; Donnelly, M. K.; Charagundla, S. R.; Presser, C.; 1999
Experimental and Mechanistic Investigation of Opposed-Flow Propane/Air Flames by Phosphorus-Containing Compounds.. Wainner, R. T.; McNesby, K. L.; Daniel, R. G.; Miziolek, A. W.; Babushok, V. I.; 2000
Experimental Investigation of Extinguishment of Laminar Diffusion Flames by Thermal Agents.. Yang, J. C.; Bryant, R. A.; Huber, M. L.; Pitts, W. M.; 2000
Flame Inhibition by Ferrocene, Alone and With CO2 and CF3H.. Linteris, G. T.; Rumminger, M. D.; Babushok, V. I.; 2000
Flame Ionisation Detector as a Screening Tool for Halon Alternatives.. Riches, J.; Knutsen, L.; Morrey, E. L.; Grant, K.; 2000
Full-Scale Cup Burner for the Testing of Gaseous and Low Volatility Agents.. Grigg, J.; 2000
Halon 1211 Alternatives for Fighting Jet Engine Fires on Flight Decks and Flight Lines.. Darwin, R. L.; Williams, F. W.; Bowman, H. L.; 2000
Inhibition of Premixed Methane-Air Flames by Submicron Water Mists.. Fuss, S. P.; Dye, D. J.; Williams, B. A.; Fleming, J. W.; 2000
Suppression Effectiveness Screening for Impulsively Discharged Agents.. Grosshandler, W. L.; Hamins, A.; Charagundla, S. R.; 2000
Update on NFPA 2001 and ISO/fDIS 14520 Standards.. Robin, M. L.; 2000
Comparison of Agent Extinguishment of Hydrogen and Hydrocarbon Flames Using FID.. Knutsen, L.; Morrey, E. L.; Riches, J.; 2001
Determination of Nitrogen Solubility in Superpressurized HFC-227ea, HFC-236fa, and HFC-125.. Kao, C. P. C.; Miller, R. N.; 2001
Effect of Fire Size on Suppression Characteristics of Halon Replacement Total-Flooding Systems.. Kashiwagi, H.; Oshikawa, S.; Yui, J.; Saso, Y.; 2001
Evaluation of Advanced Agent Working Group Agents by Kidde.. Grigg, J.; Chattaway, A.; 2001
Fire Suppression Efficiency of Bromoalkene/Nitrogen Gas Mixtures as Total-Flooding Agents.. Zou, Y.; Vahdat, N.; Collins, M.; 2001
Fire Suppression Testing: Extinguishment of Class A Fires With Clean Agents.. Robin, M. L.; Rowland, T. F.; Cisneros, M. D.; 2001
Fuel Effects on the Extinguishment of Laminar Diffusion Flames by Thermal Agents.. Pitts, W. M.; Yang, J. C.; Bryant, R. A.; 2001
Gas Separation Technology: State of the Art.. Reynolds, T. L.; 2001
On the Suitability of CF3Br as a Benchmark for Replacement Fire Suppressants.. Williams, B. A.; Fleming, J. W.; 2001
Roles of Inhibitors in Global Gas-Phase Combustion Kinetics.. Saso, Y.; 2001
Suppression of Cup-Burner Diffusion Flames by Super-Effective Chemical Inhibitiors and Inert Compounds.. Linteris, G. T.; 2001
Cost Analysis of Fire Suppression Systems.. Bennett, J. M.; Kolleck, M. L.; 2002
Enhanced Powder Panels.. Cyphers, D. C.; Frederick, S. A.; Haas, J. P.; 2002
Ullage Protection Ownership Cost for KC-130J: Explosion Suppressant Foam (ESF) Vs. On-Board Inert Gas Generation System (OBIGGS).. Bein, D.; 2002
V-22 Fire Protection Update: Dry Bay Active Fire Suppression and Shipboard Firefighting.. Bein, D.; 2002
Cup Burner Method: A Parametric Analysis of the Factors Influencing the Reported Extinguishing Concentrations of Inert Gases.. Preece, S.; Mackey, P.; Chattaway, A.; 2003
Demonstrating Enhanced Powder Panels.. Cyphers, D. C.; Frederick, S. A.; Haas, J. P.; 2003
First Large-Scale Tests of Pyrotechnically Generated Aerosol Fire Extinguishing Systems for the Protection of Machinery Spaces and Gas Turbine Enclosures in Royal Naval Warships.. Connell, M.; Glockling, J. L. D.; 2003
Aircraft Cargo Fire Suppression Using Low Pressure Dual Fluid Water Mist and Hypoxic Air.. Brooks, J.; 2004
Combustion Suppression of Methane by CO2/CF3Br, CO2/C2F4Br2 AND N2/CF3I.. Lisochkin, Y. A.; Poznyak, V. I.; Belevtsev, E. G.; Kunina, L. N.; 2004
False Deck Development Testing of Hybrid Nitrogen: Water Mist Fire Suppression Systems.. Forssell, E. W.; Scheffey, J. L.; DiNenno, P. J.; Back, G. G.; Farley, J. P.; Williams, F. W.; 2004
Development of a Solid-Solid Hybrid Gas Generator Fire Suppression System.. Grzyll, L. R.; Meyer, J. A.; 2005
Physical and Chemical Aspects of Cup-Burner Flame Extinguishment.. Takahashi, F.; Linteris, G. T.; Katta, V. R.; 2005
Pressure Dynamics of Clean Agent Discharges.. Robin, M. L.; Forssell, E. W.; Sharma, V.; 2005
Update in the Evaluation of Selected NFPA 2001 Agents for Suppressing Class "C" Energized Fires.. Bengtson, G. F.; Niemann, R.; 2005
Analysis of Vapor Density Effects on Hold Times for Total Flooding Clean Extinguishing Agents.. Mowrer, F. W.; 2006
Further Studies of Cup-Burner Flame Extinguishment.. Takahashi, F.; Linteris, G. T.; Katta, V. R.; 2006
Revised NFPA Cup-Burner Test Method: Improving Reproducibility.. Senecal, J. A.; 2006
Study of an Ultra-Fine Water Mist Suppression System for Spacecraft Fires.. Abbud-Madrid, A.; Watson, J. D.; Whittington, J. G.; McKinnon, J. T.; Delplanque, J. P.; 2006