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"Timing Fire Fighting?" Video Description for the Visually Impaired

"Timing Fire Fighting?" Video Description for the Visually Impaired (back to video)

NIST Fire Test video description for the visually impaired. 

Text on screen: NIST, National Institute of Standards and Technology, U.S. Department of Commerce. 

Text on screen: Jason Averill, NIST fire researcher 

Visual: Fire truck, or engine, appears in the background. Averill, in the foreground, speaking.  

Averill: This is the first time in a national study that we have been able to isolate the effects of crew size. In this case, two persons, three persons, four persons and five persons on an engine. 

Visual: Four firefighters fully outfitted and wearing breathing masks stand next to a large green cargo container. A fire engine drives past them leaving a line of hose behind it. The engine continues to move and a two-story concrete with building with a door and four upper level windows comes into view.  

Averill: Also, look at the effects of engine arrival time, the spacing between the subsequent engines, and the different fire growth rates ... 

Visual: A firefighter stands at the top of a ladder positioned next to the building's right corner window with an axe in his hand and an oxygen tank on his back. Smoke billows from the window. 

Averill: ... all together in a single study to understand the relative influence among these variables on the fire risk in a community.

Visual: Four firefighters stand outside the door to the building. One firefighter opens the door before another enters. 

Text on screen: 

For further information: NIST Web site:,

Created February 3, 2010, Updated January 3, 2017