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Data Sets by Test Number

Listing of Data Sets by Test Number

Click the links in the table below to navigate to the download page for each data set. A table organized by model dimensions is available above.

Data sets from Phase 1:

Test Number Model Scale Roof Slope Width Length Eave Height Terrain Exposure
[Roughness Length]
Data Set ID
ss20-test1 1:100 1:12 80 ft 125 ft 16 ft open country ee1(link is external) A,   fe1(link is external) B,   he1(link is external) C
suburban ee2(link is external) A,   fe2(link is external) B,   he2(link is external) C
24 ft open country ef1(link is external) A
suburban ef2(link is external) A
32 ft open country eg1(link is external) A,   sg1(link is external) D
suburban eg2 A
40 ft open country eh1(link is external) A,   gh1(link is external) B,   hh1(link is external) C
suburban eh2(link is external) A,   gh2(link is external) B,   hh2(link is external) C
ss20-test2 1:100 3:12 80 ft 125 ft 16 ft open country m11(link is external) A
suburban m12(link is external) A
24 ft open country m21(link is external) A
suburban m22(link is external) A
32 ft open country m31(link is external) A
suburban m32(link is external) A
40 ft open country m41(link is external) A
suburban m42(link is external) A
ss20-test3 1:100 ¼:12 80 ft 125 ft 12 ft open country ii1(link is external) A
suburban ii2(link is external) A
18 ft open country ij1(link is external) A
suburban ij2(link is external) A
24 ft open country ik1(link is external) A
suburban ik2(link is external) A
32 ft open country il1(link is external) A
suburban il2(link is external) A
40 ft open country im1(link is external) A
suburban im2(link is external) A
Test Number Model Scale Roof Slope Width Length Eave Height Terrain Exposure
[Roughness Length]
Data Set ID
ss20-test4 1:100 1:12 40 ft 62.5 ft 12 ft open country jn1(link is external) A
suburban jn2(link is external) A
18 ft open country jm1(link is external) A
suburban jm2(link is external) A
24 ft open country jo1(link is external) A
suburban jo2(link is external) A
40 ft open country jp1(link is external) A
suburban jp2(link is external) A
ss20-test5 1:100 1:12 160 ft 250 ft 12 ft open country ou1(link is external) D
suburban ou2(link is external) D
18 ft open country ov1(link is external) D
suburban ov2(link is external) D
24 ft open country ow1(link is external) D
suburban ow2(link is external) D
40 ft open country ox1(link is external) D
suburban ox2(link is external) D
ss20-test6 1:50 ¼:12 30 ft 45 ft 13 ft [0.01 m] bt1(link is external) E,   btr(link is external) K
[0.087 m] bt2(link is external) E
ss20-test7 1:100 ¼:12 30 ft 45 ft 13 ft [0.01 m] st3(link is external) F,   sr3(link is external) K
[0.087 m] st4(link is external) F
ss20-test8 1:100 ¼:12 30 ft 45 ft 13 ft [0.01 m] tp3(link is external) G,   tr3(link is external) K
[0.087 m] tp4(link is external) G

Data sets from Phase 2:

Test Number Model Scale Roof Slope Width Length Eave Height Terrain Exposure Data Set ID
ss21-test1 1:200 ½:12 100 ft 200 ft 20 ft open country q11(link is external) H
suburban q12(link is external) H
32 ft open country q21(link is external) H
suburban q22(link is external) H
ss21-test2 1:200 ½:12 100 ft 200 ft 20 ft open country r11(link is external) I
suburban r12(link is external) I
32 ft open country r21(link is external) I
suburban r22(link is external) I
ss21-test3 1:100 ½:12 50 ft 100 ft 12 ft open country t11(link is external) H
suburban t12(link is external) H
16 ft open country t21(link is external) H
suburban t22(link is external) H
ss21-test4 1:100 ½:12 50 ft 175 ft 12 ft open country v11(link is external) J
suburban v12(link is external) J
16 ft open country v21(link is external) J
suburban v22(link is external) J
ss21-test5 1:100 1:12 120 ft 187.5 ft 12 ft open country p11(link is external) D
suburban p12(link is external) D
16 ft open country p21(link is external) D
suburban p22(link is external) D
18 ft open country p31(link is external) D
suburban p32(link is external) D
24 ft open country p41(link is external) D
suburban p42(link is external) D
40 ft open country p51(link is external) D
suburban p52(link is external) D
ss21-test6 1:100 6:12 80 ft 125 ft 12 ft open country y11(link is external) A
suburban y12(link is external) A
18 ft open country y21(link is external) A
suburban y22(link is external) A
24 ft open country y31(link is external) A
suburban y32(link is external) A
40 ft open country y41(link is external) A
suburban y42(link is external) A
A Internal pressure measurements due to distributed leakage
B Internal pressure measurements with a "small" dominant opening
C Internal pressure measurements with a "large" dominant opening
D No leakage or dominant openings
E TTU WERFL building, UWO model: tap layout primarily for local pressure measurements (irregular array)
F TTU WERFL building, UWO model: tap layout structural load calculations (regular array)
G TTU WERFL building, CSU model (irregular array)
H These tests used the same model
I These tests used the same model as for note H with a 3 ft parapet along all roof edges
J These tests used the same model as for note H with a 75 ft extension
K Data sets btr, sr3, and tr3 contain replicate tests of bt1, st3, and tp3, respectively


Created August 3, 2017, Updated November 15, 2019