The Earthquake Engineering Group carries out mission functions as the lead federal agency for the National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP) and fulfills statutory requirements to conduct applied research and development (R&D) to provide the technical basis for building codes, standards, and practices, and to implement improved earthquake-resistant design guidance for new and existing buildings and lifelines. This includes supporting the development of cost-effective performance-based seismic engineering tools for commercial application; conducting post-disaster reconnaissance and disaster and failure investigations to support NIST’s responsibilities under the National Construction Safety Team (NCST) Act and to inform the reduction of risk from earthquake hazards; improving post-earthquake recovery timeline of buildings and lifelines; and carrying out R&D responsibilities to close the research-to-implementation gap and accelerate the use of new earthquake risk mitigation technologies based on knowledge developed through NEHRP efforts. The group produces measurement science research products that advance the reduction of risk from earthquake impacts on buildings, lifelines, building systems (such as fire protection), and building occupants and users.