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Subject Acquisition Profile. With the exception of mobile device SAP levels, they are aseries of sets of progressively more stringent parameters and requirements relevant toface acquisition. Subject Acquisition profiles for iris are denoted as Iris acquisitionprofiles (IAP), and those for fingerprints are denoted as Fingerprint acquisitionprofiles (FAP). The term SAP had been used exclusively for face acquisition in earlierversions of the standard. [2015a>] In the Mobile ID Best Practices RecommendationsVersion 1, face, finger and iris application profiles were all referred to as SAP. Theyare referred to separately in this standard. This was changed in Mobile ID Best Practices Recommendations Version 2 to be consistent with this standard.

Date Added to Lexicon
Standard Source (Designation Number Title of Standard. Publisher, Place, Year.)
ANSI/NIST-ITL 1-2011 Update:2015 Data Format for the Interchange of Fingerprint, Facial & Other Biometric Information. ANSI/National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2011. Source link