A process of evaluating a system, method, or component, to determine that requirements for an intended use or application have been fulfilled.
Also referenced in ANSI/ASB Technical Report 025, Crime Scene/Death Investigation - Dogs and Sensors - Terms and Definitions, ANSI/ASB 018 Standard for Validation of Probabilstic Genotyping Systems, ANSI/ASB 020 Standard for Validation Studies of DNA Mixtures, and Development and Verification of a Laboratory's Mixture Interpretation Protocol, ANSI/ASB 038 Standard for Internal Validation of Forensic DNA Analysis Methods, ANSI/ASB 019 Wildlife Forensics General Standards, ANSI/ASB 047 Wildlife Forensics Validation Standard and Validating New Primers for Sequencing, ANSI/ASB 022 Standard for Forensic DNA Analysis Training Programs, ANSI/ASB 063 Implementation of 3D Technologies in Forensic Firearm and Toolmark Comparison Laboratories, ASTM E1732-24ae1 Standard Terminology Relating to Forensic Science.