The Contractor Organization User Guide is for use by contractor/grantee/awardee users and admins to provide a basic understanding of how to complete common tasks in iEdison.
To access the electronic version of the contractor user guide click HERE.
In addition to the iEdison User Guide, an iEdison Utilization Question Guidance Document is available HERE to provide users with additional guidance on how to correctly answer the standard utilization questions. Last updated on 09/29/2023.
The Agency User Guide is for use by federal agency users and admins to provide a basic understanding of how to complete common tasks in iEdison.
To access the electronic version of the contractor user guide click HERE.
The Bulk Upload Instructions are intended to provide instructions for users or admins attempting to upload large volumes of data into iEdison.
Nothing in the bulk upload instructions should be considered legal advice. No information or data in the user guide shown in screenshots or other illustration represent any actual account, report, record, or individual. Any resemblance to actual accounts, reports, records, or individuals is purely coincidental.
A full downloaded PDF version is also available HERE.