December 4-5, 2006
Green Auditorium NIST Gaithersburg, Md.
Monday, December 4, 2006
8:55 AM -- Administrative and Safety Issues (Allan Eustis, NIST)
9:00 AM -- Call to Order and Administrative Details (Dr. William Jeffrey, NIST)
9:15 AM -- EAC Commissioners address TGDC (EAC)
9:45 AM -- Update and status of VVSG 2007 and NIST/EAC Activities (Mark Skall & John Wack, NIST)
10:15 AM -- BREAK
10:30AM -- Security and Transparency Subcommittee (STS) Preliminary Reports and Issues for VVSG 2007 (Curt Barker, John Wack, Ron Rivest (MIT), John Kelsey, Nelson Hastings, NIST)
1:00 PM -- LUNCH
2:00 PM -- Security and Transparency Subcommittee (STS) Preliminary Reports and Issues for VVSG 2007- Continued (Curt Barker, John Wack , Ron Rivest (MIT), John Kelsey, Nelson Hastings, NIST)
2:30 PM -- Core Requirements and Testing (CRT) Subcommittee Preliminary Reports and Issues for VVSG 2007 (Alan Goldfine, David Flater, NIST)
3:30 PM -- BREAK
3:45 PM -- Core Requirements and Testing (CRT) Subcommittee Preliminary Reports and Issues for VVSG 2007 - Continued (Alan Goldfine, David Flater, NIST)
5:30 PM -- ADJOURN
Tuesday, December 5, 2006
8:25 AM -- Administrative and Safety Issues (Allan Eustis, NIST)
8:30 AM -- Call to Order and Administrative Details (Dr. William Jeffrey, NIST)
8:45 AM -- Core Requirements and Testing (CRT) Subcommittee Preliminary Reports and Issues for VVSG 2007 - continued (Alan Goldfine, David Flater, NIST)
9:15 AM -- Human Factors and Privacy (HFP) Subcommittee Preliminary Reports and Issues for VVSG 2007 (Sharon Laskowski, NIST)
10:15 AM -- BREAK
10:30AM -- Human Factors and Privacy (HFP) Subcommittee Preliminary Reports and Issues for VVSG 2007- Continued (Sharon Laskowski, NIST)
11:30 AM -- LUNCH
12:30 PM -- Introduction of resolutions and discussion by the TGDC (Dr. William Jeffrey, NIST)
2:25 PM -- Dates for next TGDC meetings
2:30 PM -- ADJOURN