Call for Participation:
SHREC 2009 - Shape Retrieval Contest on a New Generic Shape Benchmark
The objectives of this shape retrieval contest are to evaluate the performance of 3D shape retrieval approaches on a new generic 3D shape benchmark.
Task description
In response to a given set of queries, the task is to evaluate similarity scores with the target models and return an ordered ranked list along with the similarity scores for each query.
Data set
In this new generic benchmark there are 800 3D models. The target database contains 720 complete 3D models, which are categorized into 40 classes. In each class there are 18 models. The file format to represent the 3D models is the ASCII Object File Format (*.off).
Query set
This query set will have a total of eighty 3D models, two from each class.
Evaluation Methodology
We will employ the following evaluation measures: Precision-Recall curve; Average Precision (AP) and Mean Average Precision (MAP); E-Measure; Discounted Cumulative Gain; Nearest Neighbor, First-Tier (Tier1) and Second-Tier (Tier2).
The following list is a step-by-step description of the activities:
November 25 | - Call for participation. |
December 8 | - The target data set and a sample query set will be available on line. |
January 3 | - Please register before this date. |
January 5 | - Distribution of the final query sets. Participants can start the retrieval. |
January 12 | - Submission of results (ranked lists) and a short paper draft describing the method(s). |
January 13 | - Distribution of relevance judgments and evaluation scores. |
January 25 | - Submission of final short papers for the contest proceedings. |
February 1 | - Track is finished, and results are ready for inclusion in a track report. |
February 15 | - Camera ready track papers submitted for printing. |
March 29 | - EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval including SHREC'09. |