The recent acceleration of progress in quantum technology has had conflicting effects on the field of cryptography – quantum physics threatens current cryptographic solutions, but also enables new ones. How can we maintain a high level of control and security as information technology continues to evolve? The goal of my work is to map out the information processing tasks that are possible with quantum technology. In this talk I will focus on two examples. The first, device-independent quantum random number generation, is an application that has recently been achieved in experiment and represents one of the major successes in the field of quantum cryptography. The second, quantum coin-flipping, was one of the original problems in the field and has motivated a lot of fascinating theory. As we will see, these two seemingly similar problems have had very different paths of development.
Keywords: Quantum physics, entanglement, cryptography, cybersecurity.
Carl A. Miller grew up in Bethesda, MD. After completing a Ph.D. in Mathematics at Berkeley in 2007, Miller moved to the University of Michigan where he began a migration into the field of quantum information science. In 2016, he became a Fellow of the Joint Center for Quantum Information and Computer Science (QuICS) at the University of Maryland, and a Mathematician in the Computer Security Division at NIST.