Summary Tabular Format
Requirement | Assertion(s) |
VVSG 1.1, Vol 1, Requirement 7.5.1: Maintaining Data Integrity Voting systems that use telecommunications to communicate between system components and locations are subject to the same security requirements governing access to any other system hardware, software, and data function. a. Voting systems that use electrical or optical transmission of data shall ensure the receipt of valid vote records is verified at the receiving station. This should include standard transmission error detection and correction methods such as checksums or message digest hashes. Verification of correct transmission shall occur at the voting system application level and ensure that the correct data is recorded on all relevant components consolidated within the polling place prior to the voter completing casting of his or her ballot.
b. Voting systems that use telecommunications to communicate between system components and locations shall:
| TA751a-1: IF a voting system uses electrical transmission of data (including but not limited to, Ethernet transmission) THEN the voting system SHALL ensure that a valid vote record is received. |
| TA751a-2: IF a voting system uses electrical transmission of data (including but not limited to, Ethernet transmission) THEN the voting system SHALL ensure that a valid vote record us received at the receiving station. |
| TA751a-3: IF a voting system uses optical transmission of data (including, but not limited to, infrared or fiber optic transmission) THEN the voting system SHALL ensure that a valid vote record is received. |
| TA751a-4: IF a voting system uses optical transmission of data (including, but not limited to, infrared or fiber optic transmission) THEN the voting system SHALL ensure that a valid vote record us received at the receiving station. |
| TA751a-5: Verification at the receiving station SHOULD include standard transmission and error detection/correction methods. |
| TA751a-5-1: The detection/correction methods MAY include checksums. |
| TA751a-5-2: The detection/correction methods MAY include message digest hashes. |
| TA751a-6: Verification of correct transmission SHALL occur at the voting system application level. |
| TA751a-6-1: Verification of correct transmission MAY occur through receipt of assurances or evidence from outside the voting application itself. |
| TA751a-7: Verification of correct transmission SHALL ensure that the correct data is recorded on all relevant components consolidated within the polling place prior to the voter completing casting of his or her ballot. |
| TA751a1-1: Cryptography used to verify the receipt of vote records SHALL use NIST approved algorithms with security strength of at least 112 bits. |
| TA751a1-2: Message Authentication Code (MAC) keys SHALL have a security strength of at least 112 bits. |
| TA751bi-1: IF a voting system uses telecommunications to communicate between system components and locations THEN that voting system SHALL implement encryption using NIST approved algorithms with a security strength of at least 112 bits within a FIPS 140-2 level 1 or higher validated cryptographic module operating in FIPS mode. |
| TA751bii-1: IF a voting system uses telecommunications to communicate between system components and locations THEN that voting system SHALL provide a means to detect the presence of an intrusive process. |
| TA751bii-1-1: The means to detect the presence of an intrusive process MAY be an Intrusion Detection System. |
Operational Definitions
Telecommunications – Preparation, transmission, communication, or related processing of information (writing, images, sounds, or other data) by electrical, electromagnetic, electromechanical, electro-optical, or electronic means. (SOURCE: CNSSI-4009)
Public telecommunications – Is a form of telecommunications which includes electrical, optical, and wireless transmission using public telecommunications lines.