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Displaying 251 - 275 of 558

Machine Learning to Predict Multicomponent Colloidal Crystals

There is a direct link between a material’s macroscopic properties and its microscopic structure, which makes rational bottom-up self-assembly a powerful tool for engineering properties of materials. In general, colloids are facile material building blocks whose shape, charge, and surface

Macromolecular Architectures

This project’s purpose is to synthesize and characterize model thermoplastics, thermoplastic elastomers (TPE), and mixed resins with systematic variation of polymer sequence, chemistry, and architectures to generate libraries of quantitative structure-property relationships validated by multiple

Macromolecule and Nanoparticle Composition and Architecture

Bringing new products to market requires measurements for rapid, quantitative assessment of composition and structure. To this end, NIST has developed a series of mass spectrometry-based tools that decrease the time necessary to achieve measurement success while producing more accurate results. The

Magnetic Imaging

Advanced magnetic devices and storage media will rely on ultra thin ferromagnetic films; since such films are quasi two-dimensional magnets, they can have strong perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA). Optimization of future materials, including improved yields, requires an ability to measure film

Magnetic Materials Metrology

Our aim is to develop the metrology for control and manipulation of magnetic anisotropy in magnetic materials. This includes development of the measurement science for quantification of the magnetic properties (e.g., magnetic anisotropy, magnetic exchange) and the structure-property-processing

Magnetic Nanostructures for post-CMOS Electronics

We focus primarily on arrays of magnetic nanostructures in order to reveal how defects alter the fundamental physics of magnetization reversal processes in the nanometer regime. We have an integrated approach that consists of four inter-related elements. The first element, film edge metrology

Magnetic Sector Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry

Magnetic sector SIMS uses high energy “primary” ions to bombard the surface and liberate “secondary” ions much like in ToF-SIMS, but the ion beam is operated continuously to maximize duty cycle. The high ion dose is preferred for depth profiling, where the concentration of elements and isotopes are

Marciniak Multiaxial Testing

This X-ray system can measure the full 3D stress tensor of the sheet in situ under multiaxial tension. The test is performed by raising the punch to stretch the sheet incrementally, then a hold is placed while the stress measurement is made. This step takes 2-4 minutes depending on the accuracy

Materials Data Repository

In support of NIST's MGI goals, the NIST materials data repository provides a concrete mechanism for the interchange and re-use of research data on materials systems. The NIST repository is principally a file repository, accepting data in any format. To mitigate the opacity of binary data, and to

Materials Design Toolkit

Microstructure evolution can be simulated using the CALPHAD approach and phase based models using thermodynamics software and models. The simulated microstructure is then evaluated by constitutive models and PyMKS. The optimization algorithms use the performance of the alloy to direct the search

Materials Informatics

To develop the need data infrastructure and informatics tools, NIST is focusing on three areas: data curation, data infrastructure, and data access. Data curation efforts include efforts to develop a phase-based materials ontology to ensure that the data is represented in a semantically

Materials Testing in Hydrogen Gas

Hydrogen is known to have a deleterious effect on steels and other metals, but steels are the most cost-effective and commonly used materials for pipelines and pressure vessels. We are collaborating with the code bodies (ASME B31.12 and ISO 11114-4), DOT, and DOE, to enable the implementation of

Measurement Assurance for Quantitative Cell Imaging by Optical Microscopy

Light microscopy is unparalleled as a quantitative technique for studying cell biology, but assuring that the results of measurements and analyses are accurate, repeatable and sharable is challenging. Here we provide information on reference materials, protocols and approaches for evaluating the

Measurement and Prediction of Local Structure

Functional materials enable applications in the computer, data storage, wireless communication, and energy sectors. The properties of many of these systems are critically dependent on deviations of local atomic arrangements from the global average of the crystal. No single measurement technique can

Measurement Quality in Hydrogen Storage R&D

The hydrogen storage project targets metrologies that assess kinetics and energetics of hydrogen charging and discharging in combinatorial structures as well as the degradation mechanisms that limit life of use. New capabilities are being developed and several existing measurement capabilities are

Measurement and Sampling Standards

A foundational activity that crosscuts our research goals is the development of a variety of standards and test materials to support the effective operation of trace explosive and narcotic detection devices. Trace sampling issues are addressed through fundamental studies on the adhesion and

Measurements for Hydrogen Storage Materials

The evaluation of candidate storage materials is complicated by a lack of readily available methods for the direct measurement of hydrogen content. MML is working together with researchers from NCNR, and PML to provide measurement tools to fill this gap. Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis (PGAA) is a

Measurements for minimal cells

Minimal cells are cells whose genome has been stripped of all but those genes essential for replication, in a process called "genome minimization." NIST and collaborators demonstrated genome minimization coupled to single cell imaging as a powerful approach to investigate the minimal genetic

Measurements of Point-Defect Chemistry in Complex Oxides

Project Goal: To develop magnetic resonance, x-ray absorption, electron diffraction, and electrical conductivity measurements to better characterize dilute concentrations of point defects in oxide materials and effectively correlate electro-mechanical properties to measured defect chemistry. Oxide

Measurements and Standards for Botanical Dietary Supplements

Many consumers believe that botanical dietary supplements will improve their health and that these "natural" remedies are both effective and free from the side effects that may occur with other medications. There are occasional reports of inaccurate labeling, adulteration, contamination (with

Measurements and Standards for Contaminants in Environmental Samples

In 1971 NIST issued the first natural environmental matrix SRM for contaminants, SRM 1571 Orchard Leaves, with certified concentrations for trace elements. The development of SRM 1571 Orchard Leaves formalized the approach of combining results from "two or more independent and reliable analytical

Measurements and Standards for Contaminants in Biological (Human) Materials

The development of SRMs to support measurements for contaminants in biological fluids and tissues will expand quality assurance capabilities to important species critical to human health. We will provide SRMs that are representative of the analytical challenges that may be encountered by analysts in

Measurements and Standards for Organic Contaminants in Wildlife Matrices

Monitoring contaminant exposure in wildlife is crucial to assess the impact of environmental contaminants on animal health. The development of methods to screen samples for the presence of new compounds (non-targeted research) and to measure the accurate concentration of known, targeted compounds in