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We have developed parametric amplifiers based on two different technologies: Josephson Junctions and superconductors with high kinetic inductance, a representation of the kinetic energy of superconducting Cooper-pair charge carriers. Junction-based parametric amplifiers (JPAs) are well suited for


Almost all the devices developed by the Quantum Sensors Group work at temperatures below liquid helium. Sometimes, it is necessary to develop specialized cryogenics to test the devices, or to facilitate their dissemination to outside users. The cryogenics team also aims to make refrigerators more

Detector Readout Project

NIST’s Quantum Sensors Division develops highly sensitive cryogenic sensors, for example transition-edge sensors (TESs) and kinetic inductance detectors (KIDs), to enable precision measurements in a large range of scientific applications. The successful implementation of these novel sensor

Kinetic Inductance Spectrophotometry

Within this application space, the transition-edge sensor (TES) microcalorimeter is the most mature technology, with demonstrated x-ray energy resolving capabilities of better than a part per thousand. Current TES readout techniques require the use of superconducting quantum interference device

Long Wavelength Sensors and Applications

Our project designs and micro-fabricates custom devices that achieve sensitivity at fundamental limits and are based on the principles of superconductivity. We often work in large collaborations to apply these devices to challenging measurements of high scientific interest, such as those which

Microcalorimeter Spectrometers for X-ray and Gamma-ray Spectroscopy

The Quantum Calorimeters Project in the Quantum Sensors Group develops and applies sensors that detect the energy of single photons or particles. For example, Transition-Edge Sensors (TESs) are able to measure the energy of single x-ray and gamma-ray photons with a precision better than one part per

Nanoscale, Element-Specific X-ray Imaging for Integrated Circuit Metrology

Industry roadmaps identify the characterization of nanoscale subsurface feature shape and composition as a measurement need for the semiconductor industry. However, IC interiors are difficult to probe post-manufacturing due to the presence of many close-packed and nanoscale subsurface features, of

Quantum Characterization

The BCQT serves as a resource to academic and industry quantum research groups for measurement of superconducting microwave resonators in a well-characterized cryogenic environment using traceable, open-source methods developed in broad consultation with companies, universities, and NIST. This