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Displaying 26 - 50 of 55

Hydration Reactions in Microstructures Project

Objective - Generate and publish reaction rate data and enhanced computer modeling tools to better understand and predict the rates of microstructure development and phase interactions in portland cement concrete binders. What is the new technical idea? Reflection digital holographic microscopy (DHM

Improved Assessment Criteria for Performance-Based Seismic Design

Objective - Task (1): To establish a new generation of performance-based design assessment criteria that captures a component action’s dependence on loading history by conducting a set of focused experimental tests and computer simulations on eccentrically braced frame link beams. Task (2): To vet

Measurement Science to Assure the Performance of Green Concretes Project

Objective: To develop and deliver the measurement science identified by industry for assuring the performance of Industrial-by-Product (IBP) low-carbon footprint concretes with up to 50% by mass of the cement replaced by IBPs by 2015. What is the new technical idea? The industry average cement

Measurement Science to Assure the Performance of Innovative Concretes

Objective - To develop the measurement science needed to enable greater industry use of innovative concretes, such as 3D printing, more durable and limestone replacement concretes. What is the new technical idea? Manufacturing of cement and production/placement of concrete requires significant

Measurement Science Tools for Accelerated Weathering of Polymers Project

Objective - Develop a U.S. resource for service life prediction by delivering a suite of measurement science tools including publically available data sets, statistical models, validation data, and geographically specific predictions based on validated statistical models. This resource will be the

Measures of Building Resilience and Structural Robustness Project

Objective: By FY2014, develop the measurement science to assess the disaster resilience of buildings through the use of risk-based assessment and decision methods, and develop performance-based pre-standards for mitigation of disproportionate collapse of steel and reinforced concrete structures

Methods for Community Resilience Tradeoffs

Objective - To support community resilience planning in the context of multiple competing objectives, including sustainability, adaptation, and public health, by evaluating complementarities and tradeoffs. What is the technical idea? Communities face multiple competing objectives in planning

National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP) Coordination

Objective - To support NIST's statutory Lead Agency role of coordinating National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP) research and implementation activities and to provide leadership and management support for the Interagency Committee on Seismic Safety in Construction (ICSSC). What is the

NEHRP Extramural Research

Objective - A task order to assist NIST and the NEHRP agencies in updating the NEHRP Strategic Plan will be awarded to a policy contractor. In addition, other planned FY 2020 extramural research will be assigned by task order to the new IDIQ contractor once that award is made. It is anticipated that

NIST Accelerated Weathering Laboratory: Metrology and Operations Project

Objective - To maintain, improve and expand capabilities at the NIST Accelerated Weathering Laboratory (AWL) and to use the facility to conduct safe, accurate and traceable aging experiments. Enable the technology transfer of the SPHERE technology to industrial stakeholders. What is the new

Performance Criteria Development

Objective To advance component-level seismic performance criteria in current design standards by conducting focused experimental tests and analytical studies. Technical Idea In the following, the technical idea for each of the RTs is presented separately: RT1: High-Strength Reinforcement in

Performance-Based Design Methodologies for Structures in Fire Project

Objective: By 2016, to develop performance-based methods to predict and evaluate fire behavior of steel and concrete structures and to deliver validated and improved tools, guidance, and draft standards for the fire resistance design and assessment of structures. What is the new technical idea

Properties of Sustainable Fresh Concrete Project

Objective - Provide the industry with measurement science tools to predict whether a concrete can be pumped, with SRMs (Standard Reference Materials) to calibrate concrete rheometers and with tools for quality control in the field. What is the new technical idea? Fresh concrete is intended a

Repair Materials Project

Objective - Develop the measurement science tools (metrologies, standards, and guidance documents) for quantitatively evaluating the critical material properties and ensuring the desired field performance of repair materials for our nation's concrete infrastructure. What is the new technical idea

Resilience Infrastructure and Future Hazard Impacts: Tropical Cyclones

Objective By 2028, develop a methodology for quantifying hurricane-induced hazards, including wind speed, storm surge, waves, and associated hydrodynamic effects, with consideration of the near- and long-term effects of natural hazard evolution. Technical Idea This project will investigate and

Risk Evaluation and Mitigation

Objective This project aims to improve techniques currently used for risk evaluation (including uncertainty quantification) and mitigation (including FRP retrofit) of structural systems and integrate them within the PBEE framework. The first phase of the project is focused on the development and