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    Displaying 26 - 50 of 88

    External RNA Controls Consortium

    While early gene expression measurements with DNA microarrays were groundbreaking in their ability to reveal biological activity, the results were irreconcilable and irreproducible. Industry leaders approached the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in 2003 for help with addressing

    Fault Detection and Diagnostics for Air-Conditioners and Heat Pumps

    Objective - Develop fault detection and diagnostic (FDD) methods and measurement tools to ensure air conditioners (ACs) and heat pumps (HPs) perform as designed throughout their lifetime and develop a testing and rating methodology to assess relative merits of different commercial FDD products. What

    Flammability Metrics for New Low-GWP Refrigerants

    Objective: To develop the capability to measure and predict the burning velocity of mixtures of low-Global Warming Potential (GWP) refrigerants to allow the ranking of the mixtures in terms of their flammability, to assist in the selection and implementation of the best replacements for high-GWP

    Flexible and Printed Electronics

    Approach Developing commercial products based on organic electronics requires materials that deliver predictable and reproducible performance. One advantage of these materials is their compatibility with versatile solution processing methods. However, this advantage can lead to unpredictable

    Fluid Phase Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy

    In-situ vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE). We are applying vapor-phase NMR to measure VLE in-situ. We are currently applying this methodology to industrially important systems such as refrigerants and natural gas. The most widely used refrigerants have high global warming potential. Drop-in

    Future Directions for Magnetic Sensors

    Bringing new or improved magnetic sensors to market requires modeling for rapid assessment of the effect of new designs or improved materials properties. To this end, we are investigating the fundamental properties of a new class of magnetic sensors that is rapidly displacing ones based on older

    GaN Nanowire Metrology and Applications

    GaN Nanowire LEDs: Our selective epitaxy methods and dopant characterization techniques have enabled fabrication of arrays of nanowire LEDs with controlled location and spatial layout. This development is complemented by modeling of the carrier flow and recombination. These LEDs were combined to

    High Rate Testing

    This project involves sample geometry and metrological development for high rate servohydraulic testing. (Content to be uploaded soon)

    Imaging: Evolution of Neutron Image Detector Spatial Resolution

    Neutron imaging has yielded valuable insight into the water content of fuel cells because minimal changes to a test section are needed. A limit of neutron imaging is the achievable spatial resolution, which is primarily dominated by the detector. Figure 1 shows the evolution of the spatial

    Intelligent Building Agents

    Objective - To demonstrate the feasibility of intelligent agent control techniques for reducing energy consumption in commercial buildings by optimizing the performance of interacting building systems and to create a research infrastructure suitable for ongoing development and testing of advanced

    Low Temperature Regenerator and Pulse Tube Losses

    All-digital radio communication between the various forces of the U.S. military is required to improve communications to the level needed in the near future. Such communication requires analog-to-digital converters of speeds only possible with low temperature superconducting electronics. The

    Materials Informatics

    To develop the need data infrastructure and informatics tools, NIST is focusing on three areas: data curation, data infrastructure, and data access. Data curation efforts include efforts to develop a phase-based materials ontology to ensure that the data is represented in a semantically

    Materials Testing in Hydrogen Gas

    Hydrogen is known to have a deleterious effect on steels and other metals, but steels are the most cost-effective and commonly used materials for pipelines and pressure vessels. We are collaborating with the code bodies (ASME B31.12 and ISO 11114-4), DOT, and DOE, to enable the implementation of

    Measurement Quality in Hydrogen Storage R&D

    The hydrogen storage project targets metrologies that assess kinetics and energetics of hydrogen charging and discharging in combinatorial structures as well as the degradation mechanisms that limit life of use. New capabilities are being developed and several existing measurement capabilities are

    Measurement Techniques for Membranes and Membrane Proteins

    Use of synthetic cell membrane mimics allow simplification and complete control of a complicated system, and incorporation of selected elements under physiological conditions. We are furthering a technology originally developed at NIST using model lipid membranes supported on surfaces for

    Measurements for Hydrogen Storage Materials

    The evaluation of candidate storage materials is complicated by a lack of readily available methods for the direct measurement of hydrogen content. MML is working together with researchers from NCNR, and PML to provide measurement tools to fill this gap. Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis (PGAA) is a

    Measuring the Performance of Net-Zero Energy Homes

    Objective: Develop the measurement science necessary to evaluate various technological approaches to achieve net-zero energy residential buildings, including innovative monitoring techniques, methods of test, performance metrics and high quality experimental data for the validation and improvement

    Metrics and Tools for Sustainable Buildings

    Objective: Develop, integrate, apply, and deploy measurement science assessing the sustainability performance of energy technologies and systems in an integrated building design and operation context, and provide the necessary information to stakeholders to make more sustainable choices in

    Microsystems for Harsh Environment Testing

    Classically, measurement of the mechanical properties and reliability of bulk-scale materials is performed with macroscopic specimens and methods. Specimen preparation limitations, miniaturized load-frame tooling problems, and inadequate understanding of the roles of specimen size and constraint on

    Nanocalorimetry Measurements

    Accurate thermodynamic measurements are essential to understand fundamental properties of materials, providing direct and quantifiable insight into the thermodynamics of thin film reactions and phase transitions. Going forward, new classes of materials may only be synthesized as thin films, a scale

    Nanostructures for Energy Conversion

    Transportation is the single largest contributor to U.S. carbon dioxide emissions. Moving to an electrically powered transportation system that draws on sustainable energy supplies has the potential to lower transportation costs, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and help further reduce the nation's