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Carbon Capture, Use, and Sequestration

NIST develops benchmark materials, measurements, data, and models to accelerate innovation in and validate performance of materials and technologies for carbon capture and carbon sequestration in building materials.

Carbon Dioxide Measurements and Reference Materials

CO 2 Reference Materials The Gas Sensing Metrology Group at NIST has a long history of providing reference materials to industry, monitoring communities, and academia. The program began in the 1970’s by developing an initial suite of CO2 primary standard mixtures (PSMs) to support the US Department

Classification Methods for the NIST Biorepository

NIST has been archiving biological and environmental specimens, including marine animal and environmental samples, for over 40 years. Currently, these biospecimens are stored at cryogenic temperatures in the NIST Biorepository located at the Hollings Marine Laboratory in Charleston, SC. Various

Comparative Mammalian Proteome Aggregator Resource (CoMPARe) Program

Comparative proteomics strives to gain insight into key underlying molecular changes that result in unique phenotypes across related taxa. Proteomic analysis complements comparative genomics by providing evidence of protein abundance, orthogonal to gene copy number and amount of transcript. To

Comparative Serum Proteomics Project

State-of-the-art biomolecular analysis is no longer limited to model organisms and is becoming routine in non-model organisms. Major drivers of this emerging bioanalytical capacity include increasing accessibility and quality of sequenced genomes as well as high-resolution fast-duty cycle mass

Data Tools for Environmental Metrology

A recent addition to operations in the NIST Biorepository, we seek out places where NIST scientists get bogged down by the complexity of their data. Research at NIST can generated some of the most complex data in the world, at times requiring six months or more of processing to get to the data

Environmental Metabolomics

The application of metabolomics techniques to environmental systems biology offers a promising opportunity to achieve insights into non-model organism biology. Each biological system manifests distinctive challenges that offer insights into criteria important for rigorous study design and method

Environmental Metrology Measurement Assistant (EMMA)

Quantification of environmental metrology data can be complex at the level on which NIST operates. Projects often include dozens of samples from multiple matrices and can target well over 300 analytes of vastly different chemical properties, each of which must be individually assessed. Quality

HML Organic Chemical Metrology Program Areas

The organic analytical facility, located on the second floor of the Hollings Marine Laboratory, consists of two laboratories with a combined area of approximately 215 m2. These two laboratories provide the space and instrumentation to achieve two main functions for NIST: (1) the determination of

Isotopes as Environmental Tracers in Biological Specimens

Multicollector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (MC-ICP-MS) provides sensitive and precise measurements of stable isotope ratios and can be coupled to a variety sample introduction systems such as laser ablation and gas or liquid chromatography. The versatility and performance of MC-ICP

Macromolecular Architectures

This project’s purpose is to synthesize and characterize model thermoplastics, thermoplastic elastomers (TPE), and mixed resins with systematic variation of polymer sequence, chemistry, and architectures to generate libraries of quantitative structure-property relationships validated by multiple

Measurements and Standards for Organic Contaminants in Wildlife Matrices

Monitoring contaminant exposure in wildlife is crucial to assess the impact of environmental contaminants on animal health. The development of methods to screen samples for the presence of new compounds (non-targeted research) and to measure the accurate concentration of known, targeted compounds in

NIST Assists in Marine-Related Disaster Response

NIST and the Biospecimen Science Group continue to collaborate with NOAA Fisheries, other federal and state agencies, and non-profit organizations to provide the ability to accurately assess exposure of marine animals to environmental stressors and provide a resource for retrospective analysis of

The NIST Biorepository

The NBSB was established in 1979 at NIST in Gaithersburg, MD with a pilot project archiving human liver samples associated with collections through the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). New collaborations and banking projects began to be established including the National Oceanic and

NIST Ocean Carbon Measurements

NIST is committed to sustaining the quality of ocean carbon measurements by developing capabilities to provide certified reference materials for the ocean carbonate system measurements and by conducting research to understand fundamental elements of the ocean carbon thermodynamic system. NIST Ocean

NIST U.S. Pacific Islands Program

To help address environmental research and resource management in the Pacific Islands region, the 111th U.S. Congress directed NIST to "expand its capabilities and resources into the Pacific region through a Pacific Islands component of NIST" and included funding to "expand its biodiversity storage

Ocean Color

The primary reference instrument for the United States and most international ocean-color sensors is the Marine Optical Buoy (MOBY), an automated radiometric system operated by NOAA and deployed about 20 km offshore from Lanai, Hawaii, where the atmospheric and water conditions support utilizing

Omics Technological Advances in Aquaculture

According to the NOAA Fisheries of the U.S. report, in 2020 U.S. seafood consumption was estimated at ~6B pounds (~2.7 x 109 kg). Of that, 85% is imported and U.S. exports have seen a significant decline. Globally, the U.S. ranked only 18th in aquaculture production (2020). NIST aims to enhance the

Pacific Marine Mammal Health Assessments (PMMHA)

Pacific Marine Mammal Health Assessments (PMMHA), which began in Fall 2010, are an expansion of NIST marine mammal health assessment collaborations that began in 2002 with bottlenose dolphin wild populations. NIST has a history of involvement in marine mammal health assessment related work

Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS)

Perfluorinated and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) constitute a family of compounds that are distinguished by partial or complete fluorination of alkyl hydrocarbons. Dubbed “forever chemicals”, the unique chemistry of PFAS imparts a high level of stability, making the compounds resistant to