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Displaying 1 - 19 of 19

Combinatorial Testing

For more information regarding the Combinatorial Testing, please visit the Computer Security Resource Center (CSRC)..

Complete Automation and Distribution of Parallel Simulation Tasks

In computational materials science, many problems require the execution of numerous parallel simulation tasks on High Performance Computing (HPC) resources. Often a single published data point is the result of several parallel tasks executed in a specific sequence. Despite the continual improvement

Detecting Change Points in Surface Temperature Records

DESCRIPTION: For the purpose of exposition, consider the record daily minimums averaged by month for a station near Reno Nevada. There is a clear drop in the level between 1920 and 1940 and a positive drift starting at about 1980. There is also however, considerable variability due to seasonal

High Performance Computing

Current HPC technology broadly consists of: Leadership systems, such as the Department of Energy INCITE systems. Production Systems, such as clusters We work on both types of systems. For example, our work on the Rheology or Flow Properties of Concrete (see pages 15-16 in the latest

Image Analytics

The Image Analytics Project enables scientific discovery by: Understanding scientific imagery, including traditional imagery forms and sizes advanced imagery forms and sizes (including very large images) Characterizing and evaluating sensors and processors of scientific imagery, including

metRology for Microsoft Excel

DESCRIPTION: The current version of the metRology for Microsoft Excel add-in focuses on uncertainty analysis using the methods outlined in the JCGM Guide the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (often referred to as the GUM). These methods for uncertainty analysis are widely accepted and their

metRology Software Project

DESCRIPTION: The current version of the metRology package focuses on statistical functions for uncertainty analysis and for the analysis of interlaboratory studies and key comparisons. A number of the functions focus on uncertainty analysis using the methods outlined in the JCGM Guide to the

Modeling Dispersion Rheology for Non-Spherical Particles

The goal of this MGI project is to establish an interactive database, generated by sophisticated modeling, such as dissipative particle dynamics and smooth particle hydrodynamics, to compute the rheological properties of polymer composites, where interaction among inclusions, inclusion particle

Quantifying Uncertainty in Accelerometer Sensitivity Studies

DESCRIPTION: International Key Comparisons are performed. The key comparison reference value for charge sensitivity as a function of frequency and the accompanying uncertainty are the principal objectives of these studies. In a suggested mixed effects model several methods for evaluation of this

Software and Data Carpentry

Software and Data Carpentry workshops conduced at NIST are designed to teach basic computing and data skills that enable NIST researchers to get more done in less time, while also making it easier to automate and document research workflows. These skills can allow for more rapid and reliable

Spintronics for Neuromorphic Computing

Magnetic tunnel junctions (see Fig. 1) consist of two thin films of ferromagnetic material separated by a few atomic layers of an insulating material. The insulator is so thin that electrons can tunnel quantum mechanically through it. The rate at which the electrons tunnel is affected by the

Temporal Computing

In standard integrated circuits, information that is coded as ones and zeros is implemented by voltages on wires being high or low. The circuits consume energy during transitions between these voltages. Binary numbers have a voltage per bit so there are a lot of transitions each time a number

Validating A.I. Pipelines for Analysis of Live Cell Image Data

We are exploring methods for very high-speed cell image data collection, which is enabling the repeated sampling of thousands of cells every 2 minutes. Rapid sampling allow us to observe dynamic processes in cells (such as cell division) on a relevant time scale. Such rates of sampling allows us to


Current visualization technology provides a full range of hardware and techniques from static two-dimensional plots, to interactive three-dimensional images projected onto a monitor, to large screen fully immersive systems allowing the user to interact on a human scale. Immersive virtual reality

µMAG: Micromagnetic Modeling Activity Group

µMAG advances the state of the art in micromagnetic modeling by establishing and maintaining communications among interested researchers, by defining a collection of standard micromagnetic problems, and by leading the development of a public reference implementation of micromagnetic software.