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Displaying 1 - 25 of 44

Aberration-corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy

As devices continue to become smaller, more complex, and more highly integrated, atomic scale measurements of their structure, chemistry, strain, and electric field are increasingly crucial for device design, reliability, and optimization. The aberration-corrected scanning transmission electron

Advanced Microwave Photonics

NIST is home to a broad interdisciplinary program in quantum information science. NIST is exploring multiple implementations of qubits and strategies for taking advantage of quantum effects to compute, simulate, and improve fundamental measurement strategies. Josephson junctions are at the heart of


We have developed parametric amplifiers based on two different technologies: Josephson Junctions and superconductors with high kinetic inductance, a representation of the kinetic energy of superconducting Cooper-pair charge carriers. Junction-based parametric amplifiers (JPAs) are well suited for

Applications of Quantum Information

Human-scale physical phenomenon represent the emergent, complex behavior of simple, microscopic laws. In the past twenty years, improved understanding of these microscopic laws have suggested that typical large-scale systems — those used in modern day technology from transistors to mechanical

Atomic Thermometers

Approach 1 Compact Blackbody Radiation Atomic Sensor (CoBRAS) The Compact Blackbody Radiation Atomic Sensor (CoBRAS) uses a thermal vapor of atoms excited by a single laser to detect BBR. From the optically excited state, atomic population is transferred to other, nearby excited states by a

Cold Core Technology Platform

Cold atoms can be useful sensors for a host of different phenomena including inertial forces like acceleration and rotation, gravity, magnetic fields, vacuum and time. However, most of these applications are still confined to the laboratory. Building robust, field-deployable quantum sensors made

Designing the Nanoworld: Nanostructure, Nanodevices, and Nano-optics

Developing and exploiting nanodevices for quantum and nanotechnologies requires nanoscale and atomic scale modeling of ultrasmall structures, devices, their operation, and their response to probes. Key challenges of understanding physics at the quantum/classical interface and measurement at the

Electronic Material Characterization

Manufacturing optimized devices that incorporate newly-emerging materials requires predictable performance throughout device lifetimes. Unexpected degradation in device performance, sometimes leading to failure, is often traceable to poor material reliability. Reliability is rooted in the stability

Enriched Silicon and Devices for Quantum Information

Enriching silicon from 5% to <1 ppm 29Si Groundbreaking work around the world has realized qubits in silicon using metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) devices, single atomic dopants/defects and SiGe heterostructures, and, in all cases, the qubit coherence and fidelity properties are improved when using

Frequency Conversion Interfaces for Photonic Quantum Systems

Our research on quantum frequency conversion follows two main tracks. First, we combine relatively mature frequency conversion technology based on periodically-poled lithium niobate waveguides with quantum light generated by single semiconductor quantum dots in proof-of-principle experiments that

Fundamental Constants in Nature

The Task Group on Fundamental Constants periodically publishes updated evaluations of the fundamental constants of physics and chemistry. These evaluations serve two purposes. First, they provide a self-consistent set of recommended values of the constants for all to use. Second, because they

Hybrid Quantum Optomechanical Systems with Solid-State Artificial Atoms

Quantum Dot – Surface Acoustic Wave Microwave-to-Optical Transducers In this project, we focus on coupling nanoscale acoustic resonators with InAs quantum dot (QD) single photon sources (Fig. 1). At ultra-low temperatures, such as those in a dilution refrigerator, the acoustic resonators act as

Ion Traps

Trapped ions are sensitive to electric-field noise from trap-electrode surfaces. This noise has been an obstacle to progress in trapped-ion quantum information processing (QIP) experiments for more than a decade. It causes motional heating of the ions, and thus quantum-state decoherence. This

ITL Quantum Information Program

The principal goals of the ITL Quantum Information Program are: To understand the potential (both opportunities and risks) for quantum information to revolutionize information science. To develop theory, methods, architectures and algorithms to enable engineering and testing of quantum computing

Light-matter interactions in Semiconductor Nanostructures

We investigate the interaction of light with semiconductor-based nanostructures. We extend concepts of entanglement and coherence in atomic physics to our solid-state systems. Our devices are based on semiconductors, like GaAs. We use InAs quantum dots (QDs) in GaAs as artificial atoms; they have

Measuring Light-Matter Interactions in Chip-Based Optical Cavities

A "single emitter" is a structure that exhibits a transition from a high energy state to a low energy state, thereby generating a photon, or light emission. A variety of solid-state single emitters have been discovered or manufactured. One example is a quantum dot, a nanometer-scale structure that


While photonic systems offer very robust qbits and are excellent for transporting quantum information between locations due to their minimal interactions with their environment, they are inconvenient for the storage of quantum information in one place. As a result there is significant interest in

Micro- and nano-optomechanical systems

Our primary current research direction involves the use of fabricated devices with sub-wavelength periodicity (photonic crystals) as optomechanical elements. Such structures enable a rich variety of devices, including mirrors, polarizers, and filters, in a configuration that couples naturally to

Nanostructure Fabrication and Metrology

This project develops semiconductor nanostructures, especially self-assembled quantum dots and photonic crystals, for a variety of applications including single photonics, laser diodes, and quantum optical metrology. It also develops quantum optical metrology based on other sources and detectors

Nonlinear Optics for Quantum Information and Networking

Quantum networking and distributed quantum sensing will require photonic links (so called flying qubits) to connect nodes and enable scaling to larger distances and network sizes. An interconnect may consist of a photon going from one node to another where both nodes operate at the same wavelength

Novel Sources for Focused-ion Beams

Commercial focused ion beams (FIBs) are used in a wide variety of applications. For example, they serve as diagnostic tools, slicing through a nanodevice to expose its internal structure. They can also shape nanoscale materials either by adding atoms to a structure or by shaving them off. And they

Platform for Realizing Integrated Molecule Experiments (PRIME)

Blackbodies realize a clear relationship between radiated power and temperature through Planck’s law. While a reliable instrument for temperature and power calibrations, blackbodies are afflicted with a plethora of systematics (e.g., non-ideal emissivity, propagation loss, temperature gradients